Johnny Berifelle



3 years, 26 days ago


Age: 38

Race: Canus

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Nationality: Bardabian 

Role: Griffon Express Shipmaster

Description: A sailor by heart, he went to work on an Icebreaker at a young age of 15, to which he ends up discovering that his home of Bridgetown was destroyed by pirates by around Christmastime, the only thing he has to remember his parents by is his hat, which was once used by his father. He soon got laid off at the age of 21 and began to work as a cabin boy for a Blue Star Line ship, which is how he learned the basics about trading and sailing with a ship such as a frigate and a clipper. At the age of 23, he began to work for the Thames Company as a Bosun, to which he was noted for his excellent and was asked to join Griffon Express as a shipmaster, to which he was quick to accept. A stern but gentlemanly shipmaster, he now spends his days working for Griffon Express upon his ship, Pidgeon.