Whimsy (F2U)



2 years, 11 months ago


Whimsy - F2U

A simple aesthetic profile code with a scrolling info box. Mobile and Bootstrap friendly.


Do not redistribute or resell original code, even if F2U. You may redistribute edits of F2U codes, but you may not profit off of them.

You can edit however you like, and frankensteining is okay if allowed by other coders' TOS. Leave credit to all coders involved and obey all other parts of our TOS.

Do not remove or edit my credit on F2U codes. You may move or change it on P2U codes so long as it still exists.

If interested in trading art or characters for codes or code customs, please DM. Do not try to haggle on the code page.

Name Here
Name Here

"This is a quote. Isn't it whimsical?"

This is a summary. This box will scroll when filled. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tincidunt, eros nec convallis faucibus, nisi libero semper arcu, nec ultrices augue odio in velit. Aenean ultrices quam est, at gravida velit lacinia aliquam. In molestie, enim nec finibus volutpat, nulla nunc ultrices dolor, non sodales felis mauris ultricies tellus.

Duis mauris mauris, vehicula aliquam ultrices vel, vulputate a nunc. Praesent pellentesque, lacus non egestas eleifend, nunc felis posuere massa, pharetra dictum tortor nisl non nisl. Nunc sed ligula vel ipsum iaculis fringilla. Duis accumsan tortor sit amet sapien porttitor vestibulum.

html by fmwaves