Sinclaire Jules Marchand



2 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info










March 16th


eh if shay gets a character profile sinclaire can too

idle: (1) fix his monocle & collar (2) summons a hat & a cane and poses for a bit

special dish: Ratatouille (Radish Veggie soup)

"Sinclaire's specialty. The result of what Sinclaire calls "vague recollection of the way it's been done where he's from". The high concentration of mint gives a strong, refreshing taste."

"Sinclaire studies his environment and his enemies. His elemental skill traps enemies, and his elemental burst deals concentrated electro damage in front of him."

Tonnere: Normal/Charged/Plunge attack

Mystic Cage: traps enemies in an electric cage dealing electro damage over time, player characters cannot walk into the cage or climb onto it, cage dissipates in 10 seconds, default cooldown 20 seconds
"This mysterious art critic prefers his subjects sitting in one place."

Indignation: summons powerful bolts of lightning, dealing electro damage in small area in front of the caster for a short period of time
"The enemy is engulfed in a lightning storm. Lovely weather we're having."

Critical Eye: consecutive hits of Tonnerre up the critical damage

Condescending Look: for each enemy trapped in Mystic Cage Sinclaire gets 7% DEF and resistance to interruption for 25 seconds, stacks with multiple Cages up to 10 times

Avid Reader
: Displays the location of nearby books and book-bearing NPCs on the mini-map.

1. Thunder Dome - expands range of Mystic Cage
2. Strikes Twice -adds 3 levels to Indignation
3. Recharge - Tonnerre has an additional chance to drop an elemental sphere
4. Coup de Foudre - elemental mastery bonus 200% when attacking an enemy with full HP
5. Thunder Pressure - adds 3 levels to Mystic Cage
6. Conductor - every Sinclaire's attack has a 50% chance to inflict Charged, can happen once in 6 seconds

add to party: "You require my assistance?" "Shocking." "I shall join you."

sprinting: [very annoyed grunting] "Can't we just walk?" "Honestly..."

gliding: "Hmm."

skill: "What do you think you're doing?" "I have you now!" "Stay where you are!"

burst: "It'll only hurt for a moment." "It was nice to meet you." "Bam."

knockdown: "The audacity!" "How dare you!"

dying: "What is this nonsense..." "What an unfitting way to go..." "What a horrible plot twist..."

Hello: Greetings, esteemed Traveler. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sinclaire Jules Marchand, and I hail from Fontaine. I will gladly join you, if you'll have me.
Chat: Thinking: Lost in thoughts, are we?
Chat: Looking: How would you describe what you see?
Chat: Writing: I should write that down...
When the Sun Is Out: So much sunshine around here. I'm still not quite used to it.
When It Rains: Every second book I read describes rain as 'soothing'...
When Thunder Strikes: We ought to do something appropriately dramatic for this weather, no?
Good Morning: Dawn is beautiful, as long as it's not after a sleepless night.
Good Afternoon: Someone is looking bright today.
Good Evening: Should we have a cup of tea?
Good Night: There are as many stories as there are stars in the sky.
About Sinclaire: How old am I? Now, isn't it impolite to ask people their age?
About Us: Fashion: Not to dismiss eastern fashion choices, but I find clothing craftsmanship of the West superior. Just personal preference, though. Speaking of which, your clothing looks stylish. Think you might start some new trends?
About Us: Story: Aren't you an eye of the storm, hm? Anywhere you go, something is bound to happen. People follow you regardless of their status. I am one of those people. Where am I going with this? Nowhere in particular. Just know that you have my support, whatever you do.
About the Vision: There's a pattern in a lot of works I've reviewed. Their magic systems work on the basis that it is inherent to people wielding it and does not require being granted to them by a higher being. I would probably see those stories differently if I didn't have my own vision... That's why we have an entire industry of book critics, I suppose.
Something to Share: Have you ever thought of writing a book about your adventures? I offer to review it for free. No? Ah, what a tragic loss for the writing world.
Interesting Things: This thing? It's called a 'typewriter'. I got a portable one custom-made. Costs a fortune, mind you.
About Feitang: Glider: Little quail? I am quite certain than her glider is an extension of her physiology. She keeps flying off everything. Like a cat leaping off a shelf. My neighbour had one in Fontaine... Now I have a cat. Or a bird. Or a sugar glider.
About Feitang: Drinking: I recently witnessed her having a drinking contest at Cat's Tail again. She starts eating at Goodhunter and someone usually drags her over there. Those poor unfortunate souls challenging her have no idea what they're getting themselves into... I suppose that's one way of making money to pay off the glider license fines.
About Fischl: Cutest little thing. Quite entertaining to talk to. You don't see this level of dedication to a story often.
About Lisa: I have naught but my utmost respect for librarians, and this librarian in particular. Certainly a highlight of Mondstadt for me.
About Diluc: I tend to favor Angel's Share over Cat's Tail, that's true. It's mostly that fantastic mint cocktail. I also prefer when the winery owner is present. The difference in people's behaviour is subtle, but it's there.
About Mona: So that's where she is. Funny I should see her in the city of freedom. I enjoyed her writing back in Fontaine, actually. I happen to have a bit of a personal preference for this kind of prose. Should I pay her a visit?
About Sucrose: I like to think I'm welcome amongst the alchemists of Mondstadt, but the poor thing seems terrified of me. Do I look intimidating?
About Xinyan: Rock 'n' roll, huh? I must admit, I was not expecting to find fans all the way here, much less any performers. She's got the spirit. Her version is quite unique. I'd come listen more often, but I'm not generally a music aficonado...
About Yae Miko: A head priestess running the publishing house... I haven't had a chance to visit, what's with the mess that is Inazuman politics, but it may be for my benefit. The benefit being not having to see her again.
More About Sinclaire, part I: Me? I am but a humble wanderer in search for new books to read.
More About Sinclaire, part II: My monocle? No, I cannot let you touch it. It is my most prized possession, after all. I do have a spare, though. Want to try it on?
More About Sinclaire, part III: You might think writing reviews is way less difficult than writing full-fledged books. In reality, it always depends on the book and the review. And on the writers. Reality is always a case-by-case scenario. Keep that in mind.
More About Sinclaire, part IV: Sounds of nature. Sounds of machinery. Sounds of pages turning. Those are my favorite sounds.
More About Sinclaire, part V: I'm... unused to people doing things for me. With me in mind specifically. So I feel like I should make it clear that I am grateful to you for letting me follow. Now, shall we move on?
Sinclaire's Hobbies: Why yes, I do fancy myself as a gourmet of sorts. I stay away from the food critique business, though. Food might have its own plot twists, but those are for other people to document.
Sinclaire's Troubles: I'm out of ink again... It's not hard to find per se, but outside Fontaine I haven't seen it in those specific containers I'm using. I have to refill everything by hand. Sigh...
Favorite food: Mint is one of the best things in this world. It is exceptionally refreshing, grows everywhere and fits with every imaginable dish. Pure perfection.
Least favorite food: I like my birds already born. If you think you can cook an egg in a way that would appeal to me, be my guest.
Birthday: Congratulations on making it this far, dear. May I say these words again next year.
Feelings About Ascension: Intro: Hm? Was that not enough for you? Alright.
Feelings About Ascension: Building Up: Interesting... very interesting.
Feelings About Ascension: Climax: And I thought I had the thunder at my beck and call before. Now this... this is thrilling.
Feelings About Ascension: Conclusion: Fascinating. Truly, there are no boundaries is you push enough. Thank you... thank you, sincerely, for doing this for me. It means a lot.