


3 years, 7 days ago


The Faithful

Name Sigyn
Age ???
Alias Incantation-Fetter, Lady of Unyielding Gentleness
Gender Female
Sexuality Bisexual
Pronouns she/her
Role Wife of Loki
Race Aesir

  • The purple parts of her hair are natural and innate.
  • She is fairly broad-shouldered and not very thin.
  • Her eyes are purple with silver pupils
  • She almost always wears her hairpiece, a gift from Loki.

Sigyn, Loki's wife. She is loyal to Loki and loves him dearly, despite being an Aesir. The other Aesirs... don't really get why she cares for Loki. The two of them have a bit of an "opposites attract" type relationship going on, Loki embodying chaos, Sigyn order. 

Beginning her relationship with Loki, she always knew that it would lead to the ridicule of her fellow Aesir, the loss of their respect. But somehow, she didn't care, as long as she could be with Loki. What had started as some pity others called misplaced and foolish grew into a deep understanding, an appreciation and affection she was surprised others lacked. She was moved by the kind gestures Loki made toward her, helped them past the insecurity they felt, helped them nurse their past and present wounds. Their differences weren't so much roadblocks as more reasons to love eachother. Loki really was a kind soul, not any less loyal than her, not any less loving, despite all their many flaws, real or attributed... and they were beautiful, in all their many, many forms.


solitary social
observant dense
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive turbulent

Physical combat

Far from a war goddess but far from defenseless. Sigyn is trained in combat with sword and spear and shield and with her bare hands, and is more than capable of protecting herself and others by using those combat capabilities, though she would not start a conflict herself.

Seidr and Rune Magic

Taught by Freya herself from a young age, Sigyn is apt at using both Seidr and rune magic, both for combat and outside of it.

Not really liking having to use illusions, her Seidr powers are mostly used for healing, soothing of the mind, and of course, warding off more hostile spells. The person who benefits most from this is Loki, who tends to get hurt in increasingly unique ways, as well as their children, who seem to have inherited this trait.


Sigyn had a protected and largely uneventful childhood and teenage life, though growing up with Thor, Sif and the Valkyrie sisters as playmates and Freyr and Freya as teachers was certainly not boring. Though Loki was also around her age and grew up in her vicinity from teenagehood onwards, Sigyn never really interacted with them, being a reserved girl who was too shy to attempt to make friends who didn't talk to her first. Besides, why should she want to be friends with this youth who even the adults in her life called a pest? Sigyn, for many years, lived her life like most other Aesirs, distant and wary of the "back-biter". Though certainly, she could not deny the certain strange allure they had.

When Loki's children were brought before Odin's court, Sigyn heard of it from Freya. That was the first she had heard of the children at all: she wouldn't have thought that Loki of all people would be the first of them all to have children. The "corpse girl" and the "serpent", as Freya called them, were cast into Niflheim and into the ocean respectively, the wolf was kept in Asgard, at first. Sigyn didn't have much antipathy toward Fenrir, he seemed nice enough, but when he was banished and Tyr lost a hand to him, Sigyn had to re-evaluate. Shortly thereafter, his parent, Loki, vanished completely, and no one could tell her where to or why. But it didn't take much to puzzle together that the loss of their children must have informed that decision. Sigyn thought of Loki's mischievous smile and of Fenrir's excited tail-wagging and couldn't help but feel bad for the two of them.

When Loki returned from their eight year long absence, they caught Sigyn's eye again. Now they were less up-beat, their smile had less fire, their pranks and jokes, though they still played them, seemed to bring little joy to them, and sometimes, she could see how red their eyes were from crying, sometimes, she heard it in their voice. And this wrenched Sigyn's heart: She had known them always as a charming, light-hearted prankster, and now they seemed only a husk of that, going through the motions of what was expected of them. Worse yet: Nobody else seemed to notice, much less to care.

So Sigyn took it upon herself to look after them, cheer them up even just a little. And so she went to see them during the times they were alone, on every night that she could find them. And she would talk to them for hours, about the smallest and the biggest things that went on in the world, would talk to them in an effort to distract them from the tears they could be crying.

And for a while, that worked. They'd laugh together as they wandered the night, they'd find jokes to make that were only theirs, they pinched eachothers stomachs and fell into the grass to wrestle like children. As their conversations became deeper and deeper though, as Loki began revealing to her the content of their heart, tears were flowing once more. And Sigyn listened, comforted them, wiped their tears and understood. This endeavour she had started out of pity for the sad-seeming Loki was slowly becoming something so much more. When Sigyn realised she had fallen for them, it was far too late to do anything about it, and Sigyn loved them far too much to want to change

Their first kiss was less than perfect, a rash decision Sigyn made in the moment, a quick moment in a dark corridor. And Loki was so shocked that Sigyn almost cried because of it, so shocked that someone else would give them that affection. But they didn't reject her. They embraced once more, and from then on, they were inseparable.


  • There is no mention of Sigyn's parents in any ancient Norse source and I don't think it makes sense to assign her to anyone pre-existing, so for a last name, I'll have to make at least a father up for her. Perhaps I'll decide to make her Freyr's child after all? That would make her a Vanir and further confound things. So yeah, live updates.
  • The kenning Incantation-Fetter is very interesting. We don't know that much about Sigyn, but this somewhat confirms her role as a "spell-binder", someone who wards of evil charms. Perhaps she is even an actual goddess of magic. This magical part of her I decided to keep into my version of her.
  • There are very few depictions of Sigyn to be found anywhere, certainly almost no modern ones. This version of mine is almost entirely a product of my own fantasy, but somewhat inspired by "The Bifrost Incident" by The Mechanisms.
  • I gave all Aesirs streaks of coloured hair and pupils in colours different from the colour of the irises. There is no deep reason for this.