


3 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


RP char


name || Thisbe

age || 19

gender || cis girl (-ish), she/her

ethnicity || (fantasy) white british

source material || original rp setting

status in canon || alive

summary || A young girl with a checkered past in a historical  fantasy type setting (~17-18th century european, give or take). She’s  gone to great lengths to distance herself from her past, only to have it  dredged back up when she’s stuck hunting monsters with someone she’s dreaded meeting again.

music ||

Your moral compass spinning
Prayin' knees are bent, but trembling
You're more bruise than bleed these days, but still
If it doesn't hurt it can't be trusted
You can't breathe without percussion
Howlin' through the downbeat
Trip over the ghost note

You're a stranger in your own skin
A wound closed then reopened
A crescendo to tailspin, again
Your hands around your own neck
The earthquake twitching on deck
The understudy's roses rotting

Tailspin - Kid Pixie

Rules - the Hoosiers

Hi Too Loo Rye - Hop Along

Belly Side Up - Bent Knee

Rabbit Run - Mother Falcon

Evelyn Evelyn - Evelyn Evelyn

Call Them Brothers - Regina Spektor, Only Son

Fire - Kimya Dawson

Glory - Radical Face

Persona Non Grata - Whale Bones

Allies or Enemies - the Crane Wives

Two Birds - Regina Spektor

Stone Wall Stone Fence - Gregory and the Hawk

No Damage - Jessica Law

Real Good Case of the Bads - Yucky Duster

Holding on Where I Am Able - the Oh Hellos

I Found a Way - First Aid Kit

Saturday’s Child - Red Fox Sparrow

notes ||

Thisbe is a spirited youth, who feels she has a responsibility to make a  positive impact on the world at large and had determined she'd do so as  a vigilante. She hadn't gotten far with that before coming into contact  with the organization called Visage.

She has street-smarts, but lacks experience in the monster-fighting  department. Thisbe chafes against authority and isn't keen on following  orders, especially when she believes she knows a better way to get  things done. She is defiant to an at-times reckless degree. Somehow this  wasn't a dealbreaker for Visage.

Talk of the organization's humanitarian efforts first persuaded Thisbe  to look into them, but before she could send in a job application she  discovered that she had not been as subtle as she'd believed when she'd  shadowed some of their employees during an assignment, and that they in  fact already had a file on her with more information than she'd like.

... With that detail in mind, it seemed prudent that she accept their offer to track down monsters off in fuck-knows-where.

—> her full legal name is Thisbe Gray, though she’s dropped her  surname in use for the purposes of detaching herself from her past and  her family. She’s not interested in talking about it.

—> Harper Gray is her older cousin. They were close as kids, but by the time  tweenaged Thisbe ran from home, the only person in her corner had  already left her behind. She’s done waiting for them. Even if she  doesn’t have a choice in working with them now, she does get a say in  the family she keeps, and she’s decided he doesn’t get to know the  person she’s grown into. She has no relationship with the rest of her  wealthy family.

—> wields a shepherd’s crook with an attached slingshot, and a couple knives as backup

—> not good with most animals, but she knows how to work with horses

—> despite not being good with most animals, during an  investigation Thisbe managed to catch a cool two-headed bunny she dubbed  Lucky. Lucky is probably not a monster. They’re a solid white rabbit  besides a single black spot on their left hind foot

—> There’s a raspy, breathy quality to her voice, and it’s prone to giving out on her under strain.

—> Thisbe is earnest in her beliefs, but she’s not forthcoming about  anything that could reveal personal information or paint a target on her  back. Her image is fairly important to her. She plays up her confidence  and self-reliance to compensate for her trauma and fear of abandonment.  Her bulky clothing and bold hat have the same function, to alter her  presence and let her disguise her vulnerabilities.

—> Thisbe’s thought process at any given moment is: ‘wonder what  would happen if i did a thing’ -> [does the thing] -> ‘huh. not  sure what I expected’. She learns best through consequence, if she  doesn’t see a direct result she will continue to fuck around until she  finds out. Intrusive thoughts win. The kind of person who would see  someone do some dumb shit, go ‘no wait let me try’ and do the same dumb  shit just to see for herself.

—> After leaving home alone, Thisbe may have fallen in with some  unfavourable folks. Perhaps the sort who rob travellers blind on  horseback. Not now, though.

—> Thisbe does not like guns. She won’t touch one.

design notes ||
-> 5’3” height
-> missing a tooth
-> her brown hair is around shoulder length, she usually wears it tied
-> her face and neck are prominently scarred when not hidden

outfit notes ||
-> wears plenty of layers to look and feel less small
-> coat is a comfort item and stays with her. she took it with her when she left home
-> bandana doesn’t come off when she’s around other people, it’s also  become a comfort item beyond its original purpose of obscuring her  identity
-> feather in hat is from a tawny owl