


2 years, 11 months ago


D&D Beyond Sheet

Level 4 Barbarian Dragonborn Soldier Uther Kalehall.
7'2" / 20y / 345lbs / Male
Neutral Good

18 (+4)12(+1)15(+2)9(-1)9(-1)12(+1)

Character Notes:

  • Incredibly sweet and gentle person. He's selfless by nature and often worries for others before himself.
  • Highly protective of the people he loves.
  • Eager to please and help others.
  • Not the sharpest tool in the kitchen, he's slow to pick up on subtle hints and he can be overly trusting.
  • A bit clumsy, his hulking stature makes him feel a little bashful because of how often he'll accidentally knock things over or bump people.
  • Despite being a loving and kind person, he harbors a dark force inside him that will often invade his thoughts and give him violent urges. Fighting can often stir up his bloodlust, so he only does so when necessary. He is especially susceptible to these outbursts when calling upon his ancestor during battle, as the dark entity he is descended from is the source of that wickedness inside him.
  • Came from a very tiny and secluded island village, so he's easily impressed by anything new.
  • Despises warlocks.
  • Loves the heat, he enjoys sunbathing.
  • Has a deep attraction for anything gold.

Design Notes:

  • He has a strongman body type, so please don't draw him slim with chiseled abs (Examples: X, X, X)!
  • The spines on his back are like an iguana's, and often lay relaxed. However, when agitated his spines will stiffen up and stand on end.
  • His eyes are usually golden, but will change to red when calling on his ancestor or being totally consumed by his dark thoughts.

Old Notes

dnd is happening dnd is happening dnd is happeningaAAAAAA. was there any question I was gonna play a dragonborn

- Red dragonborn. Dark face, lighter red/orange body. Skin underneath scales light up when getting ready to breathe fire. Blue fire?
- Stout & tall body type. Big boi, very huggable.
- Good guy (Neutral Good??), but his red dragon ancestry gives him bad urges.
- Loves the heat. Sunbathes a lot. Volcanos are the G.
- Highly protective of anything that's his (friends & possessions alike). Eager to please/impress.
- Has a big forehead and horns for BONKING.
- Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhh picking his class is gonna be a nightmare. Fighter???????? Barbarian????????????
- SCRATCH THAT, I'm absolutely playing as a barbarian. I AM POWER HUNGRY. I YEARN FOR MAX MELEE DPS.