
3 years, 12 days ago


**Name**: Akito

**Age**: 9 Years

**Bloodline**: N/A

**Birthdate**: November 13th, 2012

**Sexuality**: Heterosexual

**Gender**: Male

**Status**: Single

**Parents**: N/A (raffle)

**Cubs**: N/A

**Personality**: Akito appears as a quiet, serious, and level-headed gran who is cool and composed at all times. At first glance, he is mentioned to be rather cold and intimidating, which is why others can misunderstand him. However, behind his somber and stern personality, Akito is deeply gentle and kind, and prioritizes others happiness before his own. Akito is secretly a hopeless romantic and one day hopes to have a family, despite his past and not really having much of a family himself.

**History**: Akito was the only born to his mother and fathering the north of Arilyan. His mother ended up getting sick shortly after he was born and when Akito was three months old, his mother had ended up dying from the sickness. His father had tried to find someone to help or find something that would help. When his mate died, Akito’s father took Akito away from where he was born and headed south west towards central Arilyan. His father raised Akito and taught him everything he knew about surviving. Akito wasn’t dumb, even though he was young, he could see how depressed his father was over his mother, even if Akito didn’t remember much of her. He started to put his father before himself as he grew older, doing anything he could to make his father happy again. Over the next two years, Akito tried, yet, no matter what he did, Akito’s father never changed, even telling Akito he appreciated what he was doing, even telling him he loved him. Akito’s father never really voiced his emotions so hearing it caught Akito off guard. After that day, Akito’s father changed slightly, seeming a little happier and it made Akito not worry as much as he had been. It was about three months later Akito’s father had disappeared late one night while Akito slept. When he woke up, he looked around and noticed his father was missing and went to search for him. It had just stopped raining so his scent had been washed away but Akito continued to search, calling out for him every so often. Akito searched for days, ending up finding himself north. He eventually gave up looking for his father, believing if he was still alive, he’d find Akito if he wanted. He spent the years alone moving across Arilyan, meeting a black wolf who became a friend and traveling companion. Akito is secretly thankful for his wolf friend, he wasn’t so alone anymore. Along his travels, he met a lot of other grans and befriended some of them but never sticks around in one place, not yet finding a place he can call “home”.

**Random facts**:

His wolf companion is named Shigure.

Loves listening to Shigure howl, finding the wolf’s “song” to be absolutely beautiful.

Loves to eat raspberries and boar.

**Stats**: STR – 2 | RES – 2 | WIS – 3 | CHA – 3 | DEX – 2

**Traits:** Ears: C | Eyes: UC | Tail: C | Size: UC | Fangs: C

**Alt Traits:** Horns: N/A | Wings: N/A | Glowies: N/A | Feathers: N/A

**Sleeping Rot Traits:** Mushrooms: N/A | Flowers: N/A | Plants: N/A | Branch Horns: N/A | Wooden Limbs: N/A

**God Trait(s):** N/A

**Mutation:** N/A

**Special Base:** N/A