Giddion "Amberdrake" Zaddok



6 years, 11 months ago


He hails from the middle eastern culture several hundred centuries ago, and was a manservant to a middle class family. Never having too much, never having too less. One day he was sent out to the market to collect his masters wares and saw these arm bracers of pure gold! He had never touched gold before! And so tried them on for pure curiosities sake...

and was folded once... twice... three times until his very essence was trapped in a charm. When he was summoned not only did he find that he could perform minor magic, but could grant wishes! Only, there is a draw back; he can only perform if under the will of his charm bearer.

No magic is performed for himself, and his wishes are limitless and there are no rules, but you must be weary of the repercussions. Don't want to leave any loopholes in that wish or things can go very terrible!

They met when Zhaneel was performing a minor theft operation on a safety deposit box and found the strange charm. She swiped it, not quite knowing what it was, and found out the hard way what she had in her hands. He is not happy at all about the arrangement (for now ;D ) and makes the wishes really technical. She uses the wishes anyway, seeing has he has to be around her as long as she has the charm, up to a mile.

To others on campus, she uses the excuse of a foreign exchange student,

To her family, she uses the excuse of 'boyfriend' (you can image how awkward that makes things betweeen them.