Lucy Foster (Lucy Activity check info)



3 years, 11 days ago


Basic Information:

-Name: Lucy Isla Foster
-Gender: Female
-Age: 16
-Date of Birth: Dec. 24th
-Species: Frosmoth/Lunala

School Information:

-Grade: Junior
-Dorm: Valor
-Class Schedule:

  • American Lit
  • Statistics
  • Physics
  • American government
  • Home ec
  • Spanish 101

  • Fashion club
  • Mixed martial arts

    -Extracurricular Activities:
  • Things that may be done off campus

Physical Description:

-Height: 4'7

-Weight: 79 pounds

-Build: Petite, small, skinny, twiggy

Background Information:


-Stubborn -violent -easily angered - bad with emotions

 = not a touchy person =quiet = always hungry = active 

+ capable + independent + skilled +loyal

Lucy Is a stubborn and often mean person to most people . She can be quite prickly and quick to anger causing her to be a bit violent and ready to fight at all times . What else would you expect though in Spikemuth you gotta fight to survive . She is quite quiet though and doesn't really speak unless necessary though . She is always searching for another snack to munch on before taking a nap and is a bottomless pit . She is quite active when not sleeping and fighting, She is running around the track and doing some sort of exercise , although she stops most of the time if people are around . She is a capable person. She does keep track of her finances and her items . She keeps her grades fairly decent also . She is a pretty independent person not needing coddling like some of her family members attempt to give her . She despises the coddling and hugs she gets. She is skilled with creating trinkets and items for selling . It is her stress reliever and what she does in her free time. She is also decently skilled in fighting. Lucy may not be the nicest person and may not appreciate it hugs but she is pretty darn loyal if you earn it from her. She doesn't show a lot of emotion except for her anger, she doesn't smile much nor get sad anymore. She dislikes being touched in any way shape or form.

She has been seeming to open up more lately.
She seems to have been able to understand her emotions and has become happier lately instead of nervous and angry… its a good change huh? She still isn’t the most touchy feely person… but she is getting used to others now...


Lucy grew up in Spikemuth a city where the economy was in the trash already . Her dad was a police officer so she learned how to fight from him and her mom was a comforter and helped her get over some of her problems, always helping her with her wounds. When Lucy's mom left her and her dad when she was 7 it tore the girl apart. How could her mother such a loving and caring person just leave like that. Lucy began to close herself off from others and started to become irritated quite easily. She didn't get too close to others because she was scared of them leaving her too. Her father ended up bringing her to work with him or leaving her at the station where she began to pick up new combat moves and analyse many things. Over time she ended up growing away from her dad and getting into street fights. She continued to fight and fight thinking it would take away the pain. The pent up frustration and anger she had when her mom left them. It never really helped. At least she still had dad though. Her and her dad every Sunday night started to go out to eat at a Chinese restaurant. At the age of 12 she saw her mom again. Her and her father were eating Chinese together when her mom walked in with her new family. Lucy's heart broke for a second time... She ended up leaving the restaurant without saying anything just silence. She started to talk less and emote less to her dad. Eventually her dad thought it was time for a change after this was happening for two whole years. Her dad ended up sending her to a school where she would be allowed to fight and hopefully heal the broken wounds.

And so she went.... 

well two months into the school year... and her dad already had to come... May was a busy month indeed... dealing with her mothers sudden appearance in her life and the dangers that followed... although this happened during the busy month of may (feel free to read A winter solstice in may for the full story) She ended up getting out ok... her mom went to jail the day of june 1st and now lucy is dealing with the aftermath of everything that has happened.....

A few months later and in October… Lucy fought Momo-E in a spar.. She seemed to have become quite quiet after this and more paranoid… but it seems in December she has finally spoken up after thinking about her emotions her anger and sadness. When she finally snapped on Ophelia she realized she was also not being the best person.. She had a level of toxicity herself.. And she did her best to fix it… talking to Momo-E again.. Talking to everyone around her.. She felt happier… and maybe she had more friends…. 

So she entered the battles for December… a battle indeed, it seemed as though her chances were low when she woke up… but she made due on her promise that a mistake was made when she was targeted.. And she got victory for Valor in the battle royal…

After the battle Royal she ended up evolving, she began to slowly drift appart from her friend who left without saying a word and began to talk to Hayden who was honestly relaxing to talk to, sure she felt her face heating up around the electric doggo but it was always nice to hang out with her.

Lucy is excited for her next year at Marlios Academy, where she will be able to actually relax and have fun.

-Parents: Luke foster (Dad) Harley Payne (Mother)

-Siblings: N/A

Purchased Items

Battle Item: Lunalium Z

Contest Item: N/A

Berries: Tanga berry

Misc. Items: N/A

Pokemon Information:

-Typing: Ice/Ghost

-Ability: Ice scales

-Held Item: Lunalium z


      HP: 147 (+10)(Lunala)

      Attack: 65 (Frosmoth)

      Defense: 75 (+15)(Frosmoth)

      Special Attack: 187 (+50)(Lunala)

      Special Defense: 132 (+25)(Lunala)

      Speed: 100 (+35)(Frosmoth)

      Total Stat Points: 706 (+130)

+10 grade up(SPD)
+10 Grade up(SP Def)

+10 Sp.ATK  Promptober


  • Moonblast (Fairy) (Lunala)
  • Moongeist beam (Ghost) (Lunala)
  • Quiver dance (Bug) (Frosmoth)
  • Icy wind (Ice) (Frosmoth)


She likes cute sweet things.
Has a hunger that never stops
PLS for your safety don’t touch her wings, they are freezing and can give you frostbite
Is more open now about her emotions and feelings.
More at peace with herself now in days.
She tends to feel guilt still but nothing as crazy as before… its kinda nice
Yes she is proud of the battle royal win
The Z crystal she got was a gift from pops, she didn’t expect it to work with her powers in the way it did.
Slowly getting a hang of her powers… she is able to create a portal sometimes now depending on her mood….
She loves all holidays!
Lucy is beginning to become more comfortable now with herself.
Enjoys lemon soda
Might like a certain electro doggo