


6 years, 10 months ago




S'orah is a spring god and the god of freedom, commonplace beginnings, happiness, barley, memory, and returning home. He is associated with the beginning of spring when barley begins to sprout and seeds grow from his footsteps. This is the season when migrating animals return to give birth and S'orah has perfect memory with which to remember all generations past. He is the god of beginnings that happen many times, like the planting of the new crop or getting a new job. He represents the happiness of emerging safely from winter to a season of life and growth. Most of all, S'orah is the god of freedom, and he plays no small role in the ever-changing ways of nature.

He is the only being with absolutely perfect memory. Even the archivists, who are said to be the blessed of S'orah, only remember their first century as archivists with unclouded memory. Because of this, S'orah is very conflict-averse and would prefer to remove himself from frustrating situations instead of confronting them. Sometimes he's just too passive to protest things that he disagrees with or that make him uncomfortable. He's the only god who wanders instead of having a permanent home, so if he doesn't want to be found it's nigh impossible to get ahold of him. 

The Temple of S'orah is known for its dual leaders, Imrah and Elikai. The priestess Imrah is a rebel who watches over those she is responsible for and doesn't rest until the celebration after victory. The priest Elikai provides salvation to his followers and crumbles the will of his enemies without spilling a drop of blood. Both are considered holy figures, divinely blessed and worthy of that honor.


S'orah takes the appearance of a young boy in the springtime of youth. He pulls his barley-colored hair back into a bun and lets a bit of it fall out into a short ponytail. His hat, which is long and strangely shaped, represents the receding winter. The stone ring it holds knocks against his back as he walks, grounding him and reminding him to come home. His shirt is green and open. He has a satchel of seeds which contains every seed in existence. He puts his hand in it and takes out whatever seed he wishes, sowing the ground with the spring plants to come. He rolls up his dirt-colored pants and wears open sandals. His skin color is also the color of barley and he wears a stalk of it behind one ear. He is rarely seen without a smile.
【 Name 】S'orah (Seoa)【 Gender 】male
【 A.K.A. 】The Sun Child, Seed-Planter【 Pronouns 】he/him
【 Age 】appears as a young boy【 Orientation 】prefers female lovers
【 Role 】god of early spring, freedom, commonplace beginnings, happiness, barley, memory, returning home【 Race 】divine hill dweller

【 Charisma 】

【 Kindness 】

【 Temper 】

【 Integrity 】

【 Intelligence 】

【 Judgement 】

【 Maturity 】

【 Humor 】

S'orah and his twin sister Kir were born among the "hill tribes" during the Chaotic Age before coherent civilizations. The hill tribes are thought to have been humanoid creatures with large, differently-shaped ears and tails. Some depictions of S'orah have these features; others do not, and the type of ears is largely dependant on the artist's tastes. Older depictions of S'orah always have him holding a curved staff. There is no lore related to what this staff is or why it's gone, so any theories would just be conjecture. 

When Hofesh called out to end the injustices forced upon creatures without power, the twins were already itching to leave. They were unsatisfied with the fun-loving culture of their own kind without regard for consequences, in S'orah's case, specifically the environmental consequences. They traveled together to answer him and joined in the creation of order. S'orah's role in that took the form of planting seeds which grew into large trees and an extensive root network. After the Uprising, S'orah lived for a short time with Kir and the rest of the gods before deciding he wanted to see what they'd done with the word and went off traveling. Ever since then, aside from his job sowing seeds during early spring, he's always off traveling and can't be reached. 

After his first year traveling, S'orah returned to Kir having walled herself in an empty city, unwilling to work with humans. Hofesh came to S'orah and asked him to take down the walls, as the god of freedom, and he complied because he didn't feel he had a choice. Ever since then Kir has held a grudge and won't say anything other than surface greetings to him.

Another story had S'orah napping under a tree when an unsuspecting human came and took the stone from his hat. S'orah keeps his memories in the stone, grounding him and reminding him to return home when it's spring. When he woke, he began to forget his responsibilities and wandered without end. In the end, a hero was called upon to go on a quest to find and return the stone to S'orah before spring.

The Uprising



[ twin ] The god of food is S'orah's twin sister. They used to be inseparable, but after becoming gods S'orah left and the first thing he did after he returned was force Kir into compliance. Neither of them has fully forgiven him for that. Kir hasn't held a full conversation with him since.



[ best friend ] The god of independence has a similar domain and they're both spring gods, so they have a lot in common. They get along very well. Lahat always pipes up in S'orah's defense if she thinks he's not fighting something he doesn't feel comfortable with. S'orah considers her his sister, although she isn't a replacement for Kir.



[ friend ] The god of atonement has a huge mansion that always welcomes travelers; S'orah is a frequent guest. Although he's not a very social person, S'orah doesn't mind zir company. Ḥag gets him to try things he wouldn't otherwise.



[ friend ] The god of duality ends each year and hands it off to S'orah, so they've had a lot of time to converse. She's the first person to welcome him home from his journeys and the one that most sees the side of him that didn't want to come back. He respects her a lot. She also makes good tea.
