
Name: Wren Apfelsine
Gender: Female
Pronouns: Doesn't really care tbh
Species: Candyfloss
Clan: Nu
Flavour: Peppermintfloss
Age: 21
Birthday: November 26th
Height: 5'3
Orientation: Bisexual (Male-leaning)
Occupation: Ice Cream Shop Attendant/Indie Game Designer
Live in: Kappa Territory
- Additional Colour Palette - Rare
- Studs - Uncommon
- Ornament Gems - Rare
- Bone Material Horns (2) - Uncommon
- Goo Material Halo (2) - Rare
- Floating Halo Objects - Rare
- Dripping Eyes - Rare
- Lower Arm and Leg Eye Placement - Common
- Upper Arm and Leg Eye Placement - Uncommon
- Torso Eye Placement - Rare
- Arm and Leg Spikes - Uncommon

Wren’s a floss with a lot of anxiety and insecurities. Going out in public, talking to just about anyone, and glob forbid, texting, calling, or emailing people are some of the hardest things for her to do. Because of this, she struggles to make and maintain friendships, as she can come off as cold or blatantly rude to others when she doesn’t respond back or gets too flustered by her emotions. She’s also often paranoid about her appearance, being late all the time, or others thinking that she’s stupid and incapable, and can quickly get defensive against criticism. Wren still tries her best to attempt making connections with others, usually by cracking jokes or spewing random internet facts and quoting Tumblr memes. However, she’s usually too clingy and makes others uncomfortable with her weird interests and dark humour.

As a child, she felt somewhat alienated from her maternal family, as they were very loud, talkative, and judgemental people. She also looked nothing like them, and would often be accused by her classmates of being adopted when she insisted that she wasn’t. She never met her paternal family, though by the stories her mother told her of them, she never really felt she wanted to. Now, just out of her teens, Wren barely speaks to anyone in her family aside from her mother. 

Wren works part-time at an ice cream and smoothie shop. While the job isn’t particularly fun, she does like the discounted treats, and despite being lactose intolerant, tends to eat too much of them. She hates having to interact with customers, and much prefers to be behind the scenes preparing the food. Unfortunately, her boss has a ridiculous, oversized mascot costume that one of the employees is forced to wear most days. The costume tends to wind up being worn by Wren a lot due to her being too anxious to refuse. While the costume is hot, stupid, and hard to see out of, Wren doesn’t always mind wearing it as nobody can see her underneath it. 

    Her small home in Kappa territory is about the only place she can get a break from her anxiety, and has become a bit of a shut-in because of this. While she loves the idea of travelling, the aspect of having to interact with other floss and navigate unfamiliar places is far too frightening for her to ever try it. Most of the time, she’s at home on the computer, playing video games, playing with her pet, or dancing around the house topless with booty shorts or fully naked and singing very poorly. She’s also involved in making the art and designing levels for an indie game with two other floss that live in the Phi territory. She’d like to someday make games full-time for a living, but even just getting to finish and publish one game would be an achievement for her. 

Other Info:

  • Hates the taste of mint. Mint candy canes, ice cream, tea, toothpaste, you name it. Will eat flavoured candy canes, though (orange, strawberry, bubblegum)
  • Likes orange juice, orange soda, and smoothies of all fruit flavours
  • Often impulsively buys plushies and vintage clown dolls
  • Loves anything with rainbows, glitter, confetti-patterns, or that has a soft n fluffy texture
  • Her favourite games are adventure RPG’s and quirky dating sims, but the games she plays in general are usually super cutesy and fluffy or scary horror games, with little in-between
  • Hates sports, and has little athletic prowess, she pretty much ignores her clan holiday all together
  • She drives a bright orange vintage Volkswagen Beetle
  • Her anxiety often causes her to feel nauseous and to absent-mindledly chew her lips until they bleed
  • She has a tendency to daydream so frequently she can end up staring at a wall for nearly half an hour before realizing how much time has passed. While she likes daydreaming, it also tends to interfere with her focus on her work and her ability to fall asleep, so she rarely ever feels fully awake during the day. 
  • She has a really hard time trusting people, yet constantly overshares details of her life and regrets it immediately afterwards
  • She’s never been asked on a date and is far too embarrassed to ever ask anyone out or even hint that she has feelings for them because she’s certain they’d say no
  • She hates sand, ocean tides, and cannot handle heat well at all, so beaches are a big no-no for her
  • She also really hates chlorine pools as they aggravate her skin, eyes, and ears, but she really loves swimming
  • Sunlight makes her sneeze

Some things about the species: 
- Candyfloss do not have noses, fingernails, eyelashes (except honeyfloss), breasts, or any visible genitalia (they can, however, have decorative fake nails and eyelashes)
- Candyfloss have four arms and four digits on their hands and feet (except sourfloss, which have three digits, and honeyfloss, which have six arms)
- The soul gems on their forehead should never be  covered by hair, clothes, or accessories unless that Floss has been outcasted from their clan.
Candyfloss are a closed species by Tenshilove.