


3 years, 9 hours ago











AroAce Lesbian


Ghost Hunter


5' 1"



Genesis Albarn

There is no such thing as a good or bad soul.

Genesis the possum is a seasoned ghost hunter who tries to free souls from their past. They are short and rude-looking, having choppy hair and big, sharp jackets. They live by themself, but you can't find them without their friends when out and about.

passionate . blunt . judging

Often described as "that rude little punk", Genesis doesn't try to change their minds. They speak what they think and won't care about your opinions unless you're a friend. If you get to know them, they're very protective and loyal; if anyone hurts you, they need to watch their back. Genesis makes a lot of jokes they find super funny, but don't make sense to others. They're very expressive about their interests and can find it hard to talk on "normal" subjects.

extraversion introversion
sensing intuition
thinking feeling
judging perceiving


  • Horror Movies
  • Goth Music
  • Soul Eater


  • Bugs
  • Crowded Areas
  • Hot Weather


Chapter I.

Genesis growing up didn't have many friends, save for their childhood friend Carissa. Their parents were very distant, constantly working or out of town. Genesis was forced to make their own fun, finding comfort in dark stories and music.

The town they lived in was quite secluded, being a decently sized community surrounded by forest. It was always at least a little foggy, days with sun were rare. Most kids moved out to happier places when they were of age.

Genesis enjoyed the eerieness of the town; when they weren't at the local school, they would explore the expansive forest, finding cool hideouts and weird looking trees. Genesis awlays tried to convince Carissa to join them, but she thought it was too weird. After building a little fort, Genesis would grab books and candles from their house and read there instead of being trapped at the house.


Chapter II.

Getting into high school, Genesis was very independant. Being decently intelligent, they were able to complete their schoolwork with time to spare. Carissa abandonded them for other friends, starting to bully Genesis whenever they crossed paths.

Genesis started to befriend new people, Kaizer, Jodi and Siouxsie, with Jodi arriving to town from another country. They found they all had a shared interest in the paranormal, and bonded through ghost stories!

While schooling felt normal to do, Genesis didn't feel like it would lead them anywhere in life. They decided to pursue life as a necromancer, having put in so much research into the process of freeing souls over the course of their life.


Chapter III.

After graduating their schooling, they went full force into becoming a ghost hunter. Their friend Jodi, and now girlfriend Siouxsie, joined them in expeditions.

Their first job took place in the town's prize possession, Vic Mansion. It was owned by two wealthy bats and their son Victor. They used to run most of the town's businesses until they suffered a gruesome death in the mansion. Now a hotel run by their son, guests complained of paranormal occurenses interrupting their stay.

Genesis stayed in the Vic Mansion for weeks, trying to find and free the souls haunting the house, but ended up finding something completely different..

Design Notes.

  • Genesis has round possum ears with three piercings on each.
    • Two dangling piercings are normally upside down crosses.
    • Other piercings like dangling skulls or eyebrow piercings etc can be added.
  • Long possum tail with four black spikes running down the middle, not optional.
  • Hair can be changed a little, both main hairstyles are shown on ref, but can be a deathhawk or liberty spikes. Please keep the half-black half-red style with the raccoon tail.


  • Genesis' last name is referenced from Maka Albarn from Soul Eater (my special interest :D)
  • Genesis is my self-insert fursona, they're basically me.
  • Their favorite bands are Korn, ACTORS, Anti Flag and Grouplove.
  • Genesis likes to play video games from time to time, especially Pokemon and Terraria.
  • Their favorite horror movies are the Saw movies, Trick r Treat and Terrifier.




Like Suicide - ACTORS