


3 years, 9 days ago

Basic Info


Fiachra Alejandra Ciara Josefina García

Date of Birth:

21st August 2000


Cis Female


182cm/6’0” | 76kgs/169lbs

Blood Type:

O Negative



Natural Hair Colour:


Natural Eye Colour:


Demonic Height/Weight:

274cm/9'0" | 302kgs/666lbs


The Villainous Hero. Born of demonic intervention. A Cold and unforgiving woman on the surface with a sweet, nurturing side only few see. She’s immensely ambitious, calculated, meticulous, and never hesitates from anything necessary. Fiachra’s dominating presence and fearless attitude makes friends respect her, and enemies fear her. Her time as the chief of security for America’s largest and most dangerous mafia helped craft her uncompromising, thorough, and reliable leadership and command skills. Family is the only thing aside from luxury and herself that's important to her, everyone she cares about she treats as family, and if anyone is dumb enough to fuck with her family, they better be prepared.

Seeing injustice and inequality at a young age set her on a long path with a personal goal to bring large positive changes to her people. Her father being a kingpin in a cartel brought her into the drug world in her teens. Fiachra's charisma and creativity brought her up the ranks quickly, becoming an important and integral member by the time she was 18. During this time, in her first year of study at college, her parents would end up victims of a car crash. The event crippled her emotionally, and is something that will end up effecting her for the rest of her life. However her life didn't take a drastic turn until a year after the incident, a month before her 20th birthday, at a party her cartel's head was hosting; as she was serving him a drink, he was careless enough to joke about her parent's death, going so far to admit that he's the reason they're dead. After a short "incident", the party ended up becoming a very short lived coup, using her charisma and connections, takes power of the cartel for herself. A few years as a cartel head, she became close business associates with a record producer and mafia head Charles Darnell. The two help out each other for a few years before they agree to merge their empires together, Charles remaining in charge with Fiachra becoming his 2nd in command. 

As she's his chief of security, she creates a security company and invests some of her wealth in Charles' record company alongside other major corporations. Her company grows over the years and morphs into a PMC, being contracted by the US with an impressive clean record. By her 30th birthday, her company has evolved into what can be considered to be a private army. During this time the US government has secretly destabilized the entire Caribbean and central America and has contracted Fiachra to invade and secure the effected areas. Seeing her opportunity, she eagerly takes control of Central America, only to turn her back on the US government. Due to the US military budget being decreased and its army smaller than it is today, Fiachra was able to withstand a direct US offensive. After a few months of combat, the US eventually stands down. For the next few years Fiachra uses her personal wealth, along with the wealth of her land, to invigorate the local and nationwide economy, bringing reform after reform to bring as much positive change as she can, becoming a benevolent dictator.

Once stability has been reached, and the people happy, she revokes most of her powers and helps form a civilian democratically elected government, alongside also forming a constitutional monarchy with herself as the nations Queen. Her and the monarchy still has power over the military, but military control being reduced and restricted by the constitution, and the monarch only serve for a maximum 45 years, before the crown being passed down to the monarch's heir of choice. In this time, as Queen, she marries a man she's dated since her criminal days, Callum Kirkbyrne. The wedding was one of extravagance and was one of the last shows of her wealth. The day following their wedding, Callum, being the anti-christ, converts and forges Fiachra into a demon of her own right, cementing their love in her immortality. The couple go on to have 4 children together, with the first 2 of them going on to continue her dynasty. After faking her death in order to hide her true identity to the people, the couple visit many different dimensions and timelines, wrecking having and living out many of their fantasies together, to the end of time.