♢ Grub



6 years, 11 months ago


Name Grub
Age 24 Years Old
Height 4"1
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him/His
Species Capricorn Mage/Goat
Sexuality Bisexual
Taken? No
Home Autumn Moon Cove
World Magick
Job Mage
Creator Sappycats
Status Forever Homed
Design by MoonlightCinderella Code by Vom


"Chocolate covered cockroaches? Are you insane?!"


When first get to know Grub, he comes off as grumpy and maybe alittle shy. He is introverted and can only deal with people for so long before needing to 'recharge'. With his friends, he is a total sweetheart, always wishing the best for them and can be very protective. Though, without a daily dose of sugar from any type of candy, he becomes a completely and utter menace, swearing up and storm and roasting everyone until he gets his sweets. He is very anxious when going out of his comfort zone and even becoming alittle sensitive to harsh words.


Grub was abandoned when he was a baby, being left on the doorstep of a mage's home. The man, named Ambrose Greywood, took Grub in and raised him as his apprentice and his son. The mage had a blood son already, Maggot Greywood, who was also learning to be a mage. Grub and Maggot got alot very well, being the best of friends and as close as brothers could be.

But as they got older, Maggot's powers started to get more uncontrollable. And unlike Grub, who learned to control himself, Maggot never figured out how. Soon, Maggot started to get consumed by his powers, and with hatred and jealousy started to fight with his brother. When they were teenagers, Maggot challenged his brother to a duel, much to Ambrose's dismay. The fight went on for hours, fire against water, brother against brother.

Maggot was allowing the fire to consume him, and Grub was struggling, trying not to hurt his delusional sibling. Grub was becoming weaker and weaker and glanced at the moon with grief and pain. The emotions welled up inside him and with a burst of power, he summoned a great wave of power, defeating his maddened brother.

Broken by his defeat, Maggot disappeared from their home. And Grub, believing his brother's madness was his fault, decided to leave the only place he had ever known. Ambrose helped the young student pack up, knowing he needed to mature and grow on his own. Grub often moves now from place to place, trying to find some cure for his brother's plight, unknowing that not far behind him is a werewolf looking for revenge.

  • Candy
  • Halloween
  • Sleeping/Sleeping In Late
  • Comfortable Clothes
  • Lazy Days
  • Costumes/Cosplay
  • Night
  • Gaming/Reading/Writing
  • Bugs
  • Bright Light
  • Mornings
  • People Stealing His Candy
  • Drinking or Smoking
  • Heat/Hot Weather
  • Nosy People
  • Big Crowds
Extra Facts 
  • Favorite Food: Caramel
  • Favorite Season: Autumn
  • Favorite Color: Orange
  • Powers: Grub has the powers to control large amounts of water, that often turns orange/gold due to his abilities. His powers come from his horns, which will shed every year in the winter, leaving him with tiny nubs. Without his horns, Grub has no powers. When they start to grow back in, his powers become alittle stronger, making them alittle harder to control. Due to this, Grub has to maintain a lot of self restraint or outbursts of power could happen, resulting in injury to himself or others.

    When Grub uses large amounts of power, his body will change into a second form, which is where he got the name, 'Capricorn Mage'.