


8 years, 10 months ago


Build: Fit athletic build but not buff

Traits: Aloof / Has no care in the world / "Popular" type on the outside / Quiet & values silence on the inside / Cool

Species info: Forget Me Not Angel rkzn - Black-Winged Angel with Red Chrysanthemum (Meaning: Sharing/Love)

Ethan excelled in everything - sports, academics, making friends, you name it. However, being blessed with these talents meant nothing to him. It made the world boring. Nothing excited him. Everything was effortless and he was tired of being fawned by his friends. Sure he made lots of friends but how many of them were his true friends who cared about him for him and not in his success? He hated the pressure from useless adults who pushed him into doing everything for them. But he hated his younger self more when he was so gullible. He craved all the praises and attention back then but he knew now that they were only using him. Ethan began skipping school more and more in order to travel around, looking for something that could bring the spark back into his life.

But Ethan couldn't find it. Nothing interested him in this boring world so he decided it was time to go. He wanted a peaceful sleep-like death so he opted on drug overdose. On the night of June 18, he passed away silently in his sleep, never to wake up again....

Or so he thought. Ethan was brought back to life as a forgot-me-not angel and that is when his real adventures begin. Finally, he found the spark in his life in this new world.


Neku is Ethan's unrequited love. They actually like each other but do not have the means to confess. They basically friendzoned each other. However, they are still super close and tease/etc each other. TBC

Nick is his plaything. Ethan likes it when Nick squirms and tries to run away from him (sadistic and is a thrill to him). However, he is also overprotective of Nick and would not tolerate anyone who hurts him. Their relationship is strictly acquaintances/kinda friends. They are not lovers at all. They barely even see each other.

Akki usually annoys Ethan with his over-hyperness but is protective of him when he needs to be. Although Akki normally talks to Ethan like he is Akki's brother, Ethan learned to shut up and just listen to his stories, giving advices when he needs to. Ethan plays his role of big brother pretty well, as he had a younger brother too. 

Yutta TBA

Ritsu TBA



rkzn - Information here - Information on this chart are half copied from there in accordance to what angel Ethan is

  • Red Chrysandthemum - these are a must
  • Appear: Around ears, top of head, back where the wings are attached, and a few scattered on wings. They also appear on the grould as he walks
  • Feel free to include leaves
  • Flowers are supposed to be wilting but if you can't draw that, full bloom is fine too
  • Black
  • Length: up to butt
  • Black cuffs around ankles
  • Anything sleep-related (can sleep anywhere and everywhere. He died in his sleep)
  • Sports - mainly soccer
  • Flowers
  • Cat - a black cat with white tipped tail/legs/ears and has a red collar - the cat is a stray