F2U "Epithet Erased"



2 years, 11 months ago


Please read my TOS before using!
Please do not remove credit. You may relocate it, but it must still be there. If you use code please link me I'd love to see what you did!
You may Edit the code as you please, you may also Frankenstein it with other codes if said person allows it. But please leave the credit unless you only take something small like one of the lists.
You do not need to disable WYSIWYG for my code to work.

Sylvester Ashling


Can lull targets to sleep and bring their dreams to life!


  • Alias Sylvie, Kid, Dr. Yo-yo
  • Age 15
  • Gender Male
  • Height ???
  • occupation Psychologist

Write about your character here! box will scroll when filled. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed eleifend nibh, tincidunt volutpat diam. Praesent tristique euismod urna at mollis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus aliquam, libero eu placerat iaculis, justo sem tincidunt augue, sed vulputate erat risus vel est. Vestibulum vitae aliquet dolor. Duis laoreet massa odio, iaculis posuere nulla vulputate quis. Maecenas a dui finibus, facilisis magna at, pulvinar velit.

Epithet Abilities

  • Describe their epithet and its abilities here
  • you can change the icons using font Awesome
  • this box will scroll if more list items are added over time
  • Sed vel hendrerit neque. Integer rutrum pellentesque pulvinar.
  • Praesent eu libero turpis. Suspendisse molestie feugiat nulla, a rhoncus mauris fermentum ut.




Keep this pretty short. The text won't scroll but the image will center with text.



Keep this pretty short. The text won't scroll but the image will center with text.



Keep this pretty short. The text won't scroll but the image will center with text.

code by FallingFeathers