


6 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info

Species Status

Closed Species


Alternate Universe Earth


This page is very much a WIP!  Right now I'm just info-dumping random bits of lore whenever I think of it. I'm currently trying to figure out how to organize this for better readability.


Species Overview

Wessols are an omnivorous sapient species resembling weasels that lives on Earth (alternate universe of our world) peacefully alongside humans. Similar to humans, each wessol is a unique individual with their own traits, both physical and character. There are kind and friendly wessols, but also rude and evil ones.

The species is considered somewhat of an anomaly. Wessols are biologically similar to a mammal, however, they lack any sort of reproductive organs. It is currently unknown exactly how the species comes into existence, new wessols appear to just randomly turn up in various places. There are many theories behind the origin of wessols, however nothing is for certain.

Wessols come in a myriad of shapes and colors Their markings are generally resemble those of real life animals, but wessols with more geometrical "unnatural" looking markings have also been discovered, albiet in smaller numbers. When it comes to colors, they seem to come in nearly every color known to man, save for extremely saturated colors.

Most wessols live in mixed communities with humans, though some live exclusively with other wessols. As wessols have been around on Earth for at least as long as humans, the two species have progressed alongside each other and are well integrated.

Anatomy and Traits





The bullet points here are random bits of lore that I have quickly noted down. These need to be put in a category and elaborated more.

You're free to read whatever I have written here. Be aware that some lore stuff may change.

  • Wessols live in an alternate version of Earth, where everything is (almost) exactly like our world, except wessols and magic/supernatural things exist.
    • People who own a wessol character are free to put them into whatever world they'd like, however. This world is simply the "canon" one for the species.
  • They are a sapient species, meaning they are basically like humans in terms of intelligence (capable of reason, judgement and whatnot)
  • Wessols are generally considered to be something similar to a familiar or fairy. Though no one really knows exactly what a wessol is, nor where a wessol comes from, they seem to just appear out of nowhere.
    • Like, they literally just pop out of nowhere. You could be taking a stroll in a forest and suddenly trip over a random new wessol.
      • When/if a new wessol is found, they are usually taken to a local sanctuary where they can become acquainted with the ways of the world and decide what they want to do with their life.
      • A newly born wessol only knows how to speak their native wessol language and has basic survival instincts (hunting/gathering/etc...)
        • They also have this innate need to seek out other wessols. It wouldn't take too long for a wessol to find others or end up in a community.
          • It's actually pretty rare for a wessol to go any longer than a week without finding another wessol.
    • Should you ask a wessol where they came from, they would just be very confused and might start having an existential crisis.
      • Most would just say something along the lines of "I... I don't know. My earliest memory is me waking up in (insert location here)."
  • Wessols are a normal part of the world they live in. No one is surprised by wessols and their existence.
  • Wessols have no reproductive organs at all. 
    • Most people say that this fact proves that wessols are not born, but rather created somehow. This also supports the theory about them being otherworldly beings/familiars/fairies.
      • A common theory is that they are reincarnations of humans, which may explain why they act so human like.
        • No one really knows for sure what a wessol is though.
  • Since they don't reproduce sexually, all wessols are asexual.
    • By extension they are also genderless, however, living alongside humans for so long has made many wessols pick up male/female/etc. gender identities.
  • Wessol sizes vary a lot, but on average they are about the size of a large domesticated cat.
  • They are found living all over the world, in all biomes.
    • Some wessols living in certain biomes appear to be different from those who live in other biomes, much like some animal species.
      • For example, those born in the tundra are likely to be fluffier than the ones born in the desert, who are more sleek.
  • Omnivores. Though some individuals, much like humans, may decide to eat vegetarian or some other kind of diet.
  • Overall, they have pretty similar biology/anatomy to an average mammal.
    • The only thing that /really/ confuses scientists is how the genes for their markings/colors/mutations work.
      • There are some especially odd mutations out there.
  • They generally walk on all fours, however they are capable of walking on two legs. They also can use their hands (paws?) the same as humans (they have opposable thumbs and can grasp/use things)
  • Their personalities and stuff are basically the same as humans.
    • Each one is a unique individual.