
3 years, 3 months ago





The mysterious student from another world that arrived at Night Raven College. She stays at the Ramshackle Dorm and takes care of Grim. Most people don't know much about her, but in truth she doesn't know much about herself either. She has very vague memories from her original world, but she's determined to find out more.

She has a bright and energetic personality, wich has helped her make many friends but also gets her in trouble quite often.


C.V. Uesaka Sumire

NICKNAME Shrimpy, Trickster, Henchman



BIRTHDAY Dec. 5th?



HEIGHT 152cm

HOBBY Watching movies


  • LIKES:
  • Sandwiches
  • Movies and games
  • Flying class
  • Meat
  • Alchemy class
  • Secrets



Before NRC

Mika doesn't remember much of her own life before going to NRC. She only knows her first name and a few things that she likes and dislikes. She's not sure of her own age but she estimates she's around the same age as her peers, and she doesn't know on what day she was born so she chose a random day to celebrate it with Grim, who also didn't remember his own birthday.

One of the few things she is sure of is that she doesn't belong here. Something about this place feels like a land she visited... once upon a dream.


She quickly became good friends with a lot of the students due to her positive aura and selfless personality. The more time she spends in Twisted Wonderland, the less she wants to go "home". Now this place feels like home, but she wasn't made to stay on this world, so she still has to go back... right?


  • She keeps a diary to document the memories she makes while staying at Twisted Wonderland.
  • Eventually she started to write the things that she remembers from her original world.
  • She's an animal lover and therefore, a vegetarian.
  • Despite not having magic, she has a very agile body and is good at close combat.
  • Because of her quick reflexes, she's good at giving immediate orders and teaming up with Grim.



Mika is a short girl with petite complexion. She has straight black hair (often depicted more blueyish in drawings), wich she always wears in two buns, with straight bangs and two longer locks of hair framing her face. Her grey eyes are round and have thick eyelashes.

She wears a modified version of the NRC uniform, opting for a grey vest to represent the Ramshackle Dorm. She also wears a black skirt and black Mary Jane shoes with thigh-high white socks. She chooses to wear a tie. Her white shirt has puffy long sleeves and she rarely wears her coat.

Her fashion style when not wearing the uniform is a mix of girly and tomboyish, with bold colors such as red and navy blue complemented with grey, black, white and ocassionaly golden.


  • Note that her mouth always has a ":3" shape
  • Her eyebrows are rounded and thicker near the middle, and they get thinner towards the sides.
  • Her vest is the same color as her eyes.




Ace Classmate

One third of the shared braincell. They met during the first day of class and, despite their fights, became really close after that. Maybe being close to death together helped them build a bond? Not to mention, the more time they spent together, the more times they were close to death. At this point they know each other as if they were siblings.

Their dynamic might seem a bit weird to outsiders but they don't care about that. They might call each other "dumbass" and moments later they're refering to the other as "sweetheart". People don't understand if they hate each other or have romantic feelings, but it's really neither. They just like to joke around like that.


Deuce Classmate

The second third of the shared braincell. Just like with Ace, they met on the first day, but they bickered less because they were trying to help each other. They too built a really strong bond since then, and it kept getting stronger with each ordeal that they endured together.

Their dynamic is a bit softer than with Ace. Mika likes to tease Deuce too, but she's kinder and lets him go sooner, often cooing at his cuteness. This makes Deuce a bit nervous, given that he's already pretty bad at talking to girls, but after being friends for so long he gets used to her antics. They don't fight as often, because Mika is already entertained figthing with Ace, and when Ace picks on Deuce, Mika takes the opportunity to defend him and fight with Ace in his stead.


Grim Dormmate

Grim is Mika's other half... quite literally, at least by NRC's documents. They are both considered one single student; Grim does the magic and Mika does the thinking... or at least she tries. They met each other at the entrance ceremony, and although bickering, they instantly clicked.

They get along pretty well and their dynamic is Grim being mean and causing trouble, Mika forgiving him because he's cute and Grim feeling bad and later making up for it, wich makes Mika very happy. She then praises him and raises his ego, therefore he causes more trouble and the cycle starts once again. Apart from the usual ruckus, after spending so much time together, they also got to know each other on a deeper level and realized that they have quite a few things in common. They relate to each other, and they both acompanny each other in their mutual loneliness.



Malleus Upperclassman

They met on a fateful night on the outsides of Ramshackle Dorm. Because of Mika's bold nature and her ignorance of Malleus's status, she had no problem treating him as an equal, prompting him to consider her his first real friend.

They have a really chill dynamic. Mika is a ball of energy but she's human too, and after a long day of doing chores for Crowley and giving free therapy to traumatized teenagers, she does end up exhausted, so relaxing on a walk with Malleus talking to her about gargoyles is the perfect way to unwind. Just like he considers her very precious, she really treasures their friendship as well.


Kalim Upperclassman

As soon as they met, they were automatically best friends. They have very similar personalities so they understand each other easily; they're both the type of person to wear their hearts on their sleeve, so having someone else that can empathize with that makes them feel better. They went through some difficult times together too, and they could stand there for the other.

Their dynamic is being really chaotic together and causing twice the headache for poor Jamil. When they're in a good mood, wich is most of the time, they like to run around laughing, jump on Kalim's magic carpet and take a ride around the campus. During the sadder times, they have no shame in being affectionate physically, they hold each other close while crying their eyes out.


Leona Upperclassman

Their first meeting was less than ideal, but Mika's brigth (and kind of dumb) personality made her relentless in her goal of befriending Leona. She could see through his rough façade when he helped her on her deal with Azul. She knew that he did care about others, but didn't want to show it. So she became attached to him, and finally, despite Leona's disdain, they could probably call each other friends (well, at least Mika would call him a friend... he would call her an annoyance but still care for her deeply).

Their dynamic is very much Mika going to him and bothering him until he has no option but surrender and let her do whatever she pleases. She often goes to find him to the Botanical Garden and takes a nap next to him when she's tired. Otherwise, she stays up while he sleeps and plays with his tail or his hair (more than once resulting in Leona waking up with a ridiculous hairstyle). Leona says that she reminds him of Cheka, but he likes her more because although being kind of... simple minded, she isn't stupid and she understands a lot of his issues, but chooses to not talk about them in order to not make him uncomfortable.