Ray D. Atyon



3 years, 3 months ago


Avali created and grown in a lab, was an experiment on using nuclear power as an internal fuel source for stronger, live longer, less eating, or other such properties they were expecting. Lived largely in a box used to stifle the immense radiation off of his body, often fed "nutrition paste" ish foods and whatever junk food was in office vending machines. Was given old "Earth Cowboy" movies to watch, and he became obsessed. Whisperings about the lab wanting to "shut down" the research on him, and became afraid of possibly being killed. Managed to escape the lab, sneaking aboard a ship heading to Earth, and riding for a while on it, before his immense radioactivity killed the entire crew and the ship crash landed onto a planet. Ray survived, and explored the planet until he came across an extra terrestrial trading outpost town. He managed to obtain his hat and cloak before hanging out in town for a few hours, only for people to start falling ill nearby, someone realizing its radiation poisoning, and chasing Ray back out into the desert.