Rain (end of production)



3 years, 1 day ago

Basic Info





born in

The dreamy stay / Raf


Clouded chaos fairy / Cotton Spiral



Body Type



Adventure, ice skating, snow, flowers, magick, playgrounds, dancing, climbing, the ocean, rocks, art, comics


social gatherings, swimming, the dark, hunters/shadowlings


flying, hiding, speaking their mind, art, cooking


gardening, speaking their mind, math, social cues, getting easily distracted


This is the production version of Rain Lavander, all the proccess and most of the sketches done until the end as well as the old character cloud chaos description. 

Try 3

What is a cloud traveler?

A cloud traveler is a species from the dream stay that can travel between worlds, they are human-like as to fit in most of the realities they decided to visit. Cloud travelers do not live in any specific part of the dream stay and are able to take a different form then their human-like one. Cloud travelers are kind of seen like the guardians of the dream stay protecting creatures to not leave the dream stay but also others to not enter it at least permanently. Ever cloud traveler has the ability to create portals and transform into a more non-human form, but they also can posses abilities outside of that. most of the time abilities that are connected to weather, clouds, space, and light. one can maybe create a tornado or make little rainclouds. 

little bit about me:

Hi! I am Rain lavander, I don't know my extra abilities yet. I used to live in the lavender forest in the dream stay, the forest is a forest that is all purple and blue. and does have calming properties for most beings! althought I wanted to always live in another world, so i chose this one to live in for a while. it is very different from my own world! But also that is what makes it nice.  

Try 2

What is a Clouded Chaos fairy?

The dreamy stay world is a world similar to the dreamcore/weirdcore world, or it can also have similarities to the backrooms. in this world many different creatures exist, one of them being Clouded Chaos fairies, they are more human like then most of the creatures there, and are also one of the few species that can speak. these fairies transport humans between the dream stay world and the human world. as they can open portals between worlds and enter peoples dreams as well. They are recognizable by their cotton candy cloud hair that can cover their entire face and make them look like a cloud head, as well as their spiral eyes which always match their hair, and mouth which also matches their hair colors. besides being able to move through worlds they are also able to fly/float. Most of clouded chaos fairies are sensitive to touch, taste, sight, and especially sound. so if they do move around in the human world most of them wear headphones or sunglasses or both as the human world is way more loud then the dream stay. In the dream stay, they are called Cotton Spiral (translated), compared to the name Clouded Chaos fairy which humans who have seen them in their dreams have given them. They are born from eggs that look like flowers, and most of the time have more then one caretaker, sometimes those caretakers aren't the same species as them either. They also depending on the caretaker learn both the caretakers language and a couple of human languages. 

Backstory summary:

Lur is born in the red wood forest in the Dreamy Stay were most of their kind is born.