Dion Ivanov



3 years, 15 days ago

Basic Info


Dion Ivanov

Other Names

Dee, Dong-ho, Celine


Black-American, Korean, Russian






Patient, Sweet, Understanding, Soft, Empathetic, Approachable, Fun-loving, Unambitious, Airy, Indecisive,


FASHION, records, plants, New York City, (English Breakfast) Tea, art, naps and cuddles


Root beer, confrontation, his stuff getting dirty, poor fashion taste, coffee,


Dion Ivanov is the grandson of Jun and Veronica Park-Ivanov, and the resident Brit of the Ivanov family. 

Dion was born and raised in England as the second child and only son of Sullivan Ivanov. Due to his extended family all being based in the US, Dion mostly only really knew his parents, grandparents and sister until his first conscious visit to the US at the age of 7. This was when he first met a lot of his family and friends, and also when he first encountered his cousin of the same age, Hera. From this point onwards, family trips to the USA were common, and Dion developed a fondness for the place, especially New York, where his family were long situated.

Coming from an ancient family with international ties on his mother’s side, and a mysterious father, Dion was brought up with that sweet old money. Being the youngest of his parent’s two children, he was babied growing up, at least, he was when his older sister wasn’t taking advantage of her dominance in the house. Dion enjoyed a happy ( albeit rambunctious) childhood and teenage years with his cousins and friends. Due to him being raised predominantly in the UK, and only being in the US during family trips, Dion was brought up less attached to the family business than his cousin, and did not receive the same training she did. Despite this, he knew that it was expected of him to assist in leading the group, as was the role of his line of the family, although he did not seem to acknowledge it much, instead choosing to just enjoy himself and partake in his own interests. It felt like a distant eventuality, rather than a goal for him.

For Dion, his simple yet spoilt life seemed good for the most part while growing up. It was simple and he was well cared for and provided for, everything a kid with little to no worries could want. That was, until adulthood hit him like a truck. High school was gone, and suddenly, his friend’s were busy; college, relationships, work, the family business. Basically all moving on with their own lives. Desperate to cling to his youth, Dion tried to drag out his escapist antics and enjoy it before he was dragged back to reality by the ear, realising suddenly he had no clue what he was doing with his life. 

Currently, he still has no real clue what he's doing and no plan, and has moved to New York to annoy his cousin see if he can find his path.


Hera LaCroix

Dion's cousin and unofficially his roommate after he moves to the US from the UK as an adult, the duo have a rocky, but generally close relationship. Despite being related and linked together due to their family business and inevitable fates, they did not grow up as closely as Hera did with their other relatives, purely due to him living overseas. They first met at the age of 7, with the most memorable event from that time being Hera instantly claiming his posh English accent 'sounds like shit'. From then, the cousins have had a bond filled with teasing, (playful, sometimes) bickering, and Hera constantly chewing her cousin out. Despite everything though, they have always had each others backs and tend to work well together. Where Hera isn't the most mentally stable and tends to self isolate from their family and friends, Dion is a comforting presence. Where Dion isn't always the most bold and confrontational, Hera is more than blunt and doesn't care about backlash. To a lot of people, they don't seem like they get along, but Dion loves his cousin and knows she cares for him too even if she doesn't say it ever. For now, he's crashing at her apartment and putting her spare bedroom to use with no intentions of leaving anytime soon, he has a feeling she might need him to keep from falling off the rails.

Sullivan (Su-Min) Ivanov

Dion's mother, he is a huge mama's boy and is probably the closest to her out of everyone in his entire family. When he's down he tends to turn to her for comfort and support. Even though she may not be the best at giving it, Dion doesn't care and usually just wants to be in her company. That's all he needs to make him feel better. Dion always misses her when he isn't home, and home sickness kicks in if he's overseas while she isn't with him. He wishes to be a good son she can be proud of, even if his antics means he tends to disappear randomly and for differing periods of time. Rest assured, when he comes to his senses, Sully is always the first person he comes home to and apologises towards.

Constance (Seunghee) Ivanov

Dion's older sister, he was the perfect target for any antics she had while they were growing up. Despite her being his older sister, and Dion definitely the receiver of a fair amount of teasing, he loves his sister a bunch and likes to talk her ear off whenever he can. She is a comforting presence for him and he tends to reach out to her when he's abroad and misses home, even if she teases him during the entire call.

Mikhail Ivanov

Due to his dad's job, Dion spent more time with his mother and sister while growing up, but still has a positive relationship with his dad. Mikhail is a bit of a mystery to Dion, with him not really knowing much of his dad or his background. Regardless, Dion thinks he's a great man, and similarly to his mother, wishes to make his dad proud of him.

Gio (Yeon-Gi) Ivanov

Dion's uncle and his mother's twin brother. Dion isn't the closest to his uncle Gio due to the older man's habit of moving around and never staying, but in the rare chance Gio comes over to visit, it's always a good time for Dion. Dion is unconsciously similar to his uncle in a few ways, and gets along with him seamlessly.

Jun-Yin Ivanov

Dion's grandfather, Jun is different in personality to Dion, however, Dion admires his grandpa a lot. That is, when he isn't being teased by the older man in a similar fashion to his sister and mother. If anyone inherited his personality, it was those two rather than Dion. Funnily enough, Dion's accent caused much confusion for his grandpa, who had forgotten that his daughter was raising her children in the UK.

Veronica Park

Dion's grandma, Veronica (or Ronnie) is especially beloved by Dion and her family. Although Dion only really saw her while growing up during his grandparent's trips to visit or his families trips to New York, he adores the woman and enjoys listening to her talk. His grandma is one of his favorite women, and he is always a dutiful grandson when she's around.

Waverly Cho

His best friend since childhood, the two met as kids during one of Dion's trips to the US as a child. They share a lot of interests especially concerning fashion and music, mostly fashion, they have a passion for fashion

Amosa Harrison

One of the friends Dion made during his childhood trips to the US, Dion and Amosa are surprisingly close and get along well enough. The two have a good friendship, though Dion does feel like Amosa is judging him 65% of the time.


- A Blasian with a passion for fashion

- Has yet to fully align himself with the family business, despite being sent out on several missions, the main envoy in the his generation for their European bases, and the one who is supposed to be Hera's right hand when she inherits it.

- Personal favorite era of fashion is the 70s disco scene

- A plant dad, recently bought a bonsai and is going to try it out

- Has a weird love/obsession with NY and has been in love with the place since his first visit. Always wanted to move there but he only got to go to the states for family events, otherwise he was in England. Obsession probably stems from him being raised away from his cousin(s) and also everyone pointing out his extreme Britishness when they first met him 🌚

- Being descended from Jun, has inherited the moon dragon pendant and its abilities

- His Korean name is Dong-ho

- Really enjoys rollerblading, is also really good at it

- Fluent in English (duh, Bri'ish), Korean and Russian. Knows a little bit of Mandarin. The most fluent and in touch with their Russian side out of him and Hera

- Doesn't have a favorite music genre, likes a bit of everything

- Has a rollerblade and record collection

- Inherited Jun Ivanov's resting bitch face, but he is the complete opposite in personality

- He's vegan, plant based food all the way for him!

- Is actually a demi-god as his dad isn't human, but that's a story for a different time

- His accent is as confused as he is, enjoy hearing him sound like a New Yorker, Brit and Russian all under the span of a minute when he isn't paying attention to himself

- His natural accent is an English one, however naturally sounds more Russian when sleepy

- Has fangs