


2 years, 11 months ago



seokkyung yi

이석경 ; -- reaper

Age 24; ~700
Birthday jan. 12
Gender female; she/her
Height 170cm; 5"7
alias death
alignment chaotic evil
aesthetic golden fury
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"death cannot harm me more than you have harmed me, my beloved life."

ambitious power-hungry relentless

A grim reaper who's lived far too long to tell her tale. Her smile carries the weight of a kingdom burnt down, a lover betrayed by the one she loved most. Pray tell, does time truly heal all wounds?

...Even the wounds you have brought onto yourself?

and we'll be the loves of the millenia ;

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The oldest standing reaper, Seokkyung holds a personlity often looked down on by her associates. Power-hungry and brutal, a death who is not cold to the touch- but a death who is filled with burning rage, holding resentment for those who live.

She's someone who's very aware of what she wants. How long can someone stay sitting like a dog when their fangs can rip and tear? Look how far she walks. A life in the shadows will never please her. Whether it's wiping out a civilization or holding a knife to your dear lover's throat, Seokkyung is willing to do anything.

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do your worst-- for in this moment, we are eternal.


Better seen and not heard-- was life's motto for the 12th child of an empire far, far away. Born to the fifth concubine of the emperor, Seokkyung, like many of her siblings were often cast aside and weren't given much thought; their only worth coming up when discussing the alliances or wars for their country.

If only she realized that a lifetime sooner. Vying for what little attention her father could provide her in stead of her now deceased mother, Seokkyung did all she could do to excel in everything, to be better than her siblings and show that she was worthy of some kind of love; some praise, some kind of consolation prize. And so a decade passed- with not even a visit from the palace, not a single gaze turned her way. As she thought her siblings were living she same, she heeded no mind- until seeing just how lavish the crown prince was living, drowning in both love and riches. Gripping the sword in her hand even tighter, she asked a question she already knew the answer to. "If I had that same authority, the same power, would you love me just the same?"

Hard work never betrays. It was a curse, they said. The sons of this century would never live past 20 summers- and so, a daughter must step up to bear the weight of the crown. Although the whispers travelling below the palace said different, a curse was what the crown princess claimed it to be; and what are her words but absolute?

Finally arriving at her father's deathbed; with no one to dare enter the same room as her, with no one else equal to her in sight, Seokkyung shed her last tears. Holding her father's hand in hers, she whispered "Oh, father, haven't you caused enough trouble for me? Please, please die faster."

[...Was what she said! Doesn't that just send chills up your spine, knowing what comes next?]

[...You know no records of an empress or emperor exist in that time period. It's mostly likely just a story of how a human's ambitions can stir up so much trouble for us reapers. Far too dramatic to be true, anyways.]

[Maybe, but don't you think it's still so tragic? Finally rising to the position she wanted, only to become the reason the kingdom fell. Even stabbed to death by her own lover!]

[Finish your list of patrons and then we'll talk. And if you're so curious about the tale being real or not, just ask senior Seokkyung. I'm sure she knows- she's been here for longer than all the years I've collected.]

[Nope. No way. Have you seen the look in her eyes? She would kill me- a reaper- on the spot if I said something wrong.]

[...Just like the empress in that story, huh?]

[(sigh) Yep.]

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Quisque pretium augue a justo auctor, quis consequat lectus blandit. Donec ante lorem, viverra quis lorem laoreet, consectetur interdum leo. Etiam diam quam, commodo id tellus eu, varius fringilla nisi. Maecenas id maximus purus. Suspendisse pretium maximus orci, eu facilisis massa. Praesent at dui urna. Quisque tristique odio a venenatis sollicitudin. Quisque risus arcu, iaculis ac ullamcorper ac, fermentum ut dui. Nullam mollis, ipsum sed tempus ultricies, enim justo pharetra lorem, sit amet tristique risus purus at enim. Integer sit amet odio tristique, facilisis lacus ut, vestibulum leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer finibus bibendum turpis, sit amet tempor purus placerat in. Mauris tempus sodales orci, nec aliquam quam tincidunt eu. Aenean lacinia venenatis eros. Integer feugiat efficitur nibh non finibus. Praesent quis nisl auctor, lobortis diam vel, interdum lorem. Aenean dui elit, iaculis vel finibus a, semper non augue. Nulla est libero, ornare at felis eget, egestas ullamcorper metus. Vestibulum lacinia erat ante, vitae lacinia orci feugiat in.




  • cats
  • alcohol
  • red meat
  • gold, pearls
  • thrilling moments
  • independence


  • she's often accompanied by a white tiger. its legs disappear to a fog-like material.
  • a black, translucent veil is often wore during work hours.
  • the fan she carries is her weapon of choice.
  • --





Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer finibus bibendum turpis, sit amet tempor purus placerat in. Mauris tempus sodales orci, nec aliquam quam tincidunt eu. Aenean lacinia venenatis eros. Integer feugiat efficitur nibh non finibus. Praesent quis nisl auctor, lobortis diam vel, interdum lorem. Aenean dui elit, iaculis vel finibus a, semper non augue.

- • • –



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer finibus bibendum turpis, sit amet tempor purus placerat in. Mauris tempus sodales orci, nec aliquam quam tincidunt eu. Aenean lacinia venenatis eros. Integer feugiat efficitur nibh non finibus. Praesent quis nisl auctor, lobortis diam vel, interdum lorem. Aenean dui elit, iaculis vel finibus a, semper non augue.

- • • –



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer finibus bibendum turpis, sit amet tempor purus placerat in. Mauris tempus sodales orci, nec aliquam quam tincidunt eu. Aenean lacinia venenatis eros. Integer feugiat efficitur nibh non finibus. Praesent quis nisl auctor, lobortis diam vel, interdum lorem. Aenean dui elit, iaculis vel finibus a, semper non augue.

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