


3 years, 15 days ago


Design: Uvlight#5420
Base: Pere
Name: Frostbite
Tribe(s): Nightwing with distant Icewing
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him/They/Them
Sexuality: Gay
Description: Lighter, bluer scales than normal Nightwings; his horns, claws, wings, tongue, and lighter blue scales are cold to the touch; breathes very weak frost breathe that can be compared to a sort of mist almost
Past: Frostbite, compared to the volcanic island he was hatched on, was an odd happening. For one, his scales were cold, and two, he was very discolored, having much lighter scales than your usual Nightwing. Many of the Nightwing scientists wanted to run 'tests' on him; his mother did not take kindly to the idea of that. After all, she had seen what they had done to the Rainwings, and she didn't want something similar happening to her son. When Frostbite was around three, she did allow one of the scientists to run small, harmless test on him, like seeing why he couldn't breathe fire and why he was so cold. At the time, she had no idea who is father was- no one did.
The only explanation the scientist had was that he was part Icewing, which his mother didn't want to believe. The queen of the Nightwings also didn't take too well to this. She had a thing against Icewings, you could say; whether it was because of their rivalry or something else, no one could tell. She said that she didn't want her tribe 'tainted' with the blood of an Icewing, and banished them. If they ever returned, they would die.

Frostbite and his mother lived in the Rainforest for the next month, and Frostbite wasn't really a fan of the humidity there, but he had to admit, it was much, much better than the suffocating island the Nightwings resided on. It was one morning when his mother told him that she was going to sneak back to the island to grab supplies, that way they could leave the rainforest and not have to worry about them. Frostbite wanted to come with her; after all, if she were caught, that'd be it for her. However, he was convinced to stay behind.

He waited for hours, a day even.

She never came out of the tunnels.

Now alone, Frostbite had no idea how to fend for himself. The first thing he did was leave the Rainforest, and he headed farther into a mountain-like territory (around Jade Mountain?). It was much cooler there, and the air felt clear as well, which was new to him. Multiple times he spotted other dragons, though for one, he didn't know what tribes they were, and two, the last dragons he had met weren't exactly friend to him besides his mother, and those dragons were probably the ones to have killed her.

For the next few years, he learned how to take care of himself. When was almost seven (in dragon years), he moved to the part of possibility where he met a Sandwing named Aloe. She was an assassin of sorts- she killed for pay. This sort of job interested Frostbite. He thought maybe, just maybe, he could take revenge on the Nightwings that had killed his mother if he had the right training.

Aloe took interest in the Nightwing's motives, saying that she also had a few Nights herself that she would like to take out.

After two years of training, Frostbite isn't a scared dragonet anymore; he's far from the dragon his mother had left. Like Aloe, his job is the same; kill the dragon the client wants dead, and get paid for it. As for the Nightwings, Frostbite has a plan for them. He knows their exact location, and he just so happens to also know a tribe who would love to find them. . .