Vaporwave Wizard



3 years, 9 days ago


Deep in Noranova city in the continent of Faerun, crime rates are higher than ever. Magic and technology in this modern age are harder than ever to control, and easy to access for almost every citizen. In that boiling pot of personalities and gangs popping up all over, one particular gang, run by one brutal person is on the rise. The Modern Mages only came together due to their leader who is known to the world as Vaporwave Wizard.

But their friends call them Buffy. 

Vaporwave Wizard is a tiefling-orc who hails from Noranova (Known as Countdown City to the locals), and is a thief and gangster from the streets looking to make it big and take the city for their own purposes. Coming from a Mobster Family and after abandoning them, Vaporwave Wizard is under an unknown curse and appears as the shadowy black visage with glowing eyes they are now. Or at least that's about all they'll tell anyone. VPW is a sarcastic hardass, and unafraid to get their hands dirty doing brutal work, but they genuinely do care for the other members of the Modern Mages. They are ready to do almost anything to reach the top.

VPW is adept at illusion magic, and owns a garage where they fix cars as their civilian job.