Deon Darrow



6 years, 10 months ago



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i wrote my way out...

NAME deon darrow
AGE 33 years old
SPECIES halfling
ETHNICITY irish/german
neutral good
sun leo/virgo
moon aries
rising capricorn
warhammer fantasy


height: 3'9"
hair: ash blonde, curly, darker at the roots.
eyes: bright, pale blue.
build: pudgy, hairy, bean-shaped.
presentation: masculine/neutral, doesn't think about it.
body mods / scars: line of three blade-like scars over face. two stab wound scars on stomach forming an x. engineering mishap explosion scars around wrists. strange pit of a scar on right hand connected with vein-like dips in the fingers and down the wrist. impalement through right hand. scars between his fingers on his right hand. lines going from each knuckle to the wrist on the back of both hands. scar going from corner of right eye to chin. scar going from chin to lip. scar going from left eye to earlobe.
clothing: casual is natural colors, browns, with blue and yellow thrown in. armor is mail, and a dark, barely blue-black, with gold, red, and brown accents. decorated with brass gear-like edges to the accents, and a red shoulder-cloak that goes over his right arm.
expression: generally neutral, thoughtful expression. has a resting disgruntled expression, pursing his lips in a way that makes him look grumpy.


✓ familial, incisive, observant, creative
deadpan, curious, ambitious, competitive, proud
gluttonous, impulsive, blunt, loose-tongued


guns, being alone, reading, writing, being praised, competition, mysteries, food, mathematics
magic, demons, chaos, being treated like a child, being underestimated, wine, birds, friendly people, physical contact with strangers


  • has ornithophobia, aka a fear of birds, set into him after the battle with munz. sometimes being attacked and half-possessed by freaky demon birds will fuck you up.
  • heavily distrusts anyone who he sees as "too friendly". they give him the willies.
  • will not shake your hand.
  • is a super numerate and literal genius, capable of rapid equations on the fly. helps with the engineering.
  • pokemon team is metagross, klinklang, rotom, porygon-z, golurk, type: null.
  • has a trusty steed named slug, who's gray and a bit of a weirdo.
  • also has a trusty pup by the name of vigil, who is food-driven and gentle.
  • sort of wary around witch hunters. after being tortured and nearly murdered by one.


raised near poverty but not quite, which was quite the feat in the empire, deon's life has been a series of events falling along the same path- clawing his way toward something better. after the death of his brother and the siblings that left home, he drew inward, finding sanctuary in the back of his father's shop. tinkering and keeping track of funds and stock, he found it all to be like second nature. so when the eccentric ottokar hummel came to osmo's odds and ends, he found something he wasn't quite expecting: a future.

after an impressive application letter sent to altdorf, hummel brought him to the college of engineering in the city, and there he studied for six years, allowing himself to put his theorizing to the test. deon rose above others, and was set to graduate at or near the top of his class. there was a break of time between the end of the schoolyear and graduation, which he took to traveling the empire. of course, circumstance and trouble followed him the second he stepped out from altdorf, and returning to the city after some desperate business in middenheim didn't shake off his pursuing bad luck.

in fact, it only got worse. a chance- or, perhaps fated- meeting with a strange demon named hugo munz set forward a series of events that had him spiraling downward, losing memories in an attempt to learn the true name of the creature that haunted him, eventually culminating in a battle that dislocated him and his friends, plopping them in the middle of an undead-infested desert.

much more has happened since then, from escaping a burning city by stealing the boat of a sultan to wandering through a twisted elven forest full of creatures that took to gleefully hunting deon and his adventuring party. it was only at the end of their fantastical adventures through the wood that the group realized they had been used- the third and final artifact that munz was after had been sitting under their noses this entire time, and during the distraction provided by a dark elven army, he swiped it from its hiding spot. or rather, swiped the power that was inside the chaos-infested chalice, leaving it in pieces.

leaving the group to ponder what the future could hold as deon was plagued by nightmares of that night. fitting, perhaps, as he was the only one to hear the demon's laughter as they unveiled the remnants of the artifact, along with a throbbing pain up the hand that had been marked by the very same devil.

now they have business to attend to in the cursed lands of sylvania. which may include killing a vampire. it never gets easier, huh.

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