


3 years, 17 days ago


Name(s): Spool (Name of the doll), Crag, Beau

Pronouns: He/him (Crag), they/them (Beau)

Explanation/Backstory: Spool was a doll, sitting in a toystore, minding its own business as a piece of fabric and stuffing. No thoughts, head empty. This all changed the day two spirits accidentally inhabited the same host at the same time, that host happening to be the doll. The two spirits went by Crag and Beau, and they fought for control over the host before settling on 2 hours at a time. They'd each get at least half a day to control the body. Crag, a malevolent and bitter spirit, only seeks to destroy the host in order to escape (He can't leave until the doll is past repair). Beau, on. the other hand, doesn't want this to happen. They aren't quite a fan of the host, but are stubborn enough to not let Crag get what he wants. Beau is the lesser of two evils in this scenario, but as time goes on they become more susceptible to kindness.

Notes: When Beau is in control, the cheeks go the colour in the ref (So in this drawing, they are in control, sewing the host back together in order to keep Crag inside).

When Crag is in control, the cheeks go a dark purple (Somewhere between the eye colour and the floof colour)