"Raphaela" Eden



3 years, 3 months ago


Name: Eden Heathers
Nickname(s): Raphaela, My dear pet (by Moon)

Growing tired of the ever-rising anxiety of the original Raphaela, Moon decides to help out the poor archangel from the kindness(?) of her flower heart.
In comes Eden, a sort of deity/angel magically made hybrid, looking almost exactly like Raphaela. Talk about uncanny valley.
Unlike the original Raphaela who's quiet and reserved, Eden's screws are as loose as they can get, she's effortlessly scary and very bold when she wants.

She gets sent all the way to the Heavens, passing as Raphaela repenting for what she's done and that by their grace she'll do better! Eden's immediately was taken in and pardoned.
To the surprise of the angels, their Raphaela doing way better than before? "I realized my mistakes, higher ones! By our God's grace, I swear that I'm still me hehe!", the angels going ???
Cue the angels growing suspiciously wary of Eden in a flap of wings but can't prove anything when their little rogue archangel is acting as nothing happened?

Slowly, Eden begins misplacing and throwing away important things, sneaking back and forth to the flower deities' garden to leave Raphaela things, mostly halos and elixirs, and is never caught. She's having the time of her life watching every lower and higher-ranking angels flip when stuff starts going wrong.
The angels once again begin suspecting of her and Eden just laughs, setting the angels uncomfortable as hell, they then assume it's only Ralph's weeping angel side showing.

Boy were they so wrong.

Eventually, she starts getting bored of the whole nice guy thing and starts doing what she was really created for, mayhem.
She begins picking angels at random, whether it's a high rank or low rank she doesn't care about, stalks them when they go outside the Heavens and strikes, steals their halos, and tears their wings. Eden discards all incriminating evidence and proceeds as nothing happened.
The Heavens eventually start getting on high alert once too many angels have gone missing and bodies start showing up. Eden is proud of herself and manages to act all scaredly and cowardly about these events, convincing the others she's just as scared as them. She loves the way she's stirred the heavens and ruffled their feathers, making them realize it's not as safe as they once thought.

Eden loves this world she's created.

Fun fact(s):
-Finds the angels and the higher ones GOOFY, what's the point of being so stuck up, aren't they all God's favorites or something?
-Loves pranking the angels A LOT
-The fact that the angels can't seem to realize she's not their Raphaela just thrills her beyond compare.