Loraine McCurry



6 years, 11 months ago


With her warm, lovely smile and impeccable presentation, one might assume she's just an alien doctor working her hardest to keep everybody alive -and she is- but she's also just proficient enough with a rope and a gun to suggest there might be something else going on behind the scenes.

Loraine is an alien surgeon and loving mother to every poor soul she walks past, and has a bad habit of adopting every single person that needs help.  She's just as good at surgery as she is at baking, which is to say, damn good.  Not only does she work tireless hours at a hospital unit but she also keeps Easel Evido in check, mostly by refusing to let him run her adoptive son of many, Dilly, into an all out war with the nearest rival kingpin.  Which she does unfailingly, with a look that could freeze bones and turn nerves into shattered glass, not many dare to cross a mother's path, especially not a mother who stands at 6'5 and whose alien background is completely unknown.  You never ask a lady her age after all, or just how much power is in that body of hers.  

It'll be a miracle if she doesn't run herself ragged or into the ground.  But only time will tell if either happens, as long as she's there, her adoptive babies will never be hurt.