
Full Name: Mei Nekonome

Alias(s): The friendly hero: Maneki Neko

Age: 15

Gender/Pronouns: Female, she/her

Sexuality: Bisexual

Occupation(s): Student! 

School: U.A. High school

Year: First Year

Class: 1-A

Dorm Building: 1-A

Likes: Cats, staying busy, socializing

Dislikes: Slow moving days, and being bored

Strengths: Mei’s greatest strength is her own determination. She has a fighting spirit, and will always try her hardest.

Weaknesses: She is deeply insecure about her quirk, and it’s reliance on standing back which other living things defend her. Because of this she can be overly reckless to make up for it. 

Relationships: N/A

Appearance desc: See image!

Height: 5’6”

Weight: 130lbs.

Costume desc: See image! 

Quirk name: Yin-Yang cats

Quirk Description: Mei’s quirk has a small physical manifestation, including her ears, tail, and claws. These however do not provide her with much benefit, as the nails are about as sharp as filed acrylics and her ears don’t let her hear much better than a normal human.
Her true quirk is her cats. Mei has two cats, on white with a black mark on its head (Yang) and a black cat with a white mark on its head.(Yin) Together they’re marks make the Yin and Yang symbol. Each cat can grow when energy is absorbed. Yang has ‘control’ over light energy, and has a small healing factor that is more commonly used for mental aspects of health. Her presence is calming, and comforting. She however is a lazy cat, who prefers to roll in grass and ignore any requests from Mei.
Yin on the other hand is a battle ready cat. He has the ability to absorb ’Negative’ energy, in the form of Kinetic energy. With each hit, two things happen: he can only absorb about half of the blow. He will still be hit and hurt, but he will only feel about half of it, and take in and store the other half. More powerful attacks however, such as a Midoryia hit and up, he can not absorb half. If it is too powerful he will feel more like 75% of the hit, and absorb 25%. With each hit, depending on the force, he will grow a bit. He can store this energy for up to 15 minutes, but even at the 10 minute mark it starts to loose it’s force! To use this energy he swipes his paws, and expels energy attacks! As he expels energy he gets smaller again. 

Quirk weaknesses: Mei is physically and emotionally linked with these cats. When a cat experiences a hit, she feels it as well. When a cat feels stressed, it is echoed in her mind as well. This can cause a lot of turmoil for Mei mentally and physically. (Mentally because she goes through a lot of discomfort and self loathing for “using” her cats to achieve her goal of being a hero, and putting them in harms way.) 

Another drawback is that while they can absorb hits, the physical quirks will still hit them & have affect. For example: if Shigiraki touched the cat, he’d absorb half the touch (so basically nothing) but still disintegrate. If Uraraka smacked him mid fall, he’s absorb half the smack, but still float, and if Bakugo blasted the cat, he’d absorb about half the impact but still get thrown back and burned!

Little Kitty no listen (a butthead)

Quirk strengths: She can work together with a team, and have some basic communication with the cats. She cannot communicate telepathically or speak cat or anything, however she can sense their emotion and general location, which can sometimes help.
Big cat go magik attack with big kitty paws

Special moves: None so far!

Quirk Type: Emitter