Tsubasa Ueshima



6 years, 11 months ago


"You think you can beat me? Yeah okay, have fun falling 300 feet."

【 Name 】 Tsubasa Lyubochka Ueshima
【 Age 】 16
【 Gender 】 Female
【 Ethnicity 】 Japanese, Russian
【Alignment】 Student at UA
【 Height 】 5'4/162.5
【 Quirk 】 Current

Tsubasa is the child of a successful quirk marriage- and one that stayed strong through genuine love, adverse to simply raising a powerful child. Tsubasa's father is Japanese while her mother is Russian, making her half and half. She speaks both Russian and Japanese fluently, and knows a good bit of English as well (although she personally thinks the language structure is dumb). She has wanted to be a hero ever since she developed her quirk, as it was both of her parents' combined- her father's quirk "whirlwind" and her mother's quirk "storm" combined into one, a quirk that was now Tsubasa's. It was named 'Current'.

Tsubasa has a very characteristic personality. She is very confident in herself, sometimes to the point of questioning a god complex, but she tries to keep herself in check by mostly only using her father's half of her quirk, so that she only manipulates air currents, as well as the general air around her. She keeps physically fit as best she can, keeping her sights set on becoming one of the top heroes (if not the top hero). She completely aced school until U.A, where she still keeps good grades. Things have been very easy for her throughout her life, and she is not used to rejection or failure... such an event, constituting her affection towards a girl in her class named Yume, remains a prominent memory in her mind. Fortunately, she has learned to grow from it, and she and Yume are good friends instead. She has recently found a very lovely girlfriend, and adores her very much.

Quirk: "Current"

Tsubasa's quirk is a combination of both her father's and her mother's, and while she only uses her father's for the most part, both aspects are very powerful. The main aspect allows her to control and manipulate air currents, air pressure, and general air around her. She can use it to "fly" (only if she jumps up and is able to catch air under her body), and propel herself, others, and objects in any direction. In the reverse, she can also manipulate the air currents and pressure around a person or object to keep them in place. Should she choose to activate her other half of her quirk, she becomes very powerful. The other half of her quirk allows her to control water currents, and manipulate water as she pleases, in the same manner as she does with air. She has the ability to walk on water as well as breathe in it by forcefully separating the oxygen from the hydrogen and only taking in the oxygen. She can combine the two aspects of her quirk to create massive storms, with her upper limits being something similar to a hurricane/typhoon/monsoon. If her quirk has taken 100% of her focus and she has reached a peak level of a storm, the air often becomes charged with electricity, and lightning can form.

Although she is very powerful, her powers come with a grave cost. As previously ementioned, she has the upper limit to create something as deadly as a hurricane/typhoon/monsoon, with the possibility of producing lightning. If created, said lightning would not be under her control, and could risk injuring others besides her target. Additionally, should she ever create a storm of such measures, the stress and impact on her body would be devastating- she would be rendered immobile from the exhertion for at least two weeks, and suffer immense nausea, pain, and migraines. A lower-level storm would induce similar but much less severe symptoms, such as immobility for only a few hours at most (if at all) coupled with heavy to moderate nausea and moderate migraines. General symtoms of exhertion for her quirk apply; Tsubasa often has mild headaches from lack of oxygen (as she flies a lot), and sometimes becomes nauseous after overusing either aspects of her quick for too long.


  • Tsubasa's favorite flavor of ice cream is mint chocolate chip.
  • Her middle name, Lyubochka, is derived from the slavic element 'lyubov', meaning "love".
  • Tsubasa's father is very into geeky pop culture, and is a big fan of both anime and western media (Star Wars is his favorite).
  • Tsubasa is left-handed.

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