Takara Ishiyama



6 years, 11 months ago


"Who's got time for anything else than their best?"

【 Name 】 Takara Ishiyama
【 Age 】 16
【 Gender 】 Male
【 Ethnicity 】 Japanese
【 Alignment 】 Student at UA
【 Height 】 6'0/182.88cm
【 Quirk 】 "Geode"

Takara is the child of two quirkless parents, and was enrolled into UA after the sports festival, when spots were freed up. Takara did not compete in an entrance exam, or in anything at all- his parents bought off someone to secure his spot. Takara's parents were very successful in business, but they were often overshadowed by successful families who owed their fame and fortune to hero work, something they could not perform. However, as their son was born with a decently powerful quirk, Takara coudl. Obsessed with honor and success, Takara's parents trained him excessively and hold him to very high expectations... they plan to pass the company onto him, along with expecting him to take up hero work after graduating from UA and become the very best, no matter what that would take.

Takara felt extremely guilty after he was transferred into UA, fighting the guilt that hung around him. He couldn't think anything except that he had stolen someone else's spot, but he didn't dare say anything to his parents. Opposing them would be the worst thing he could do, perhaps besides coming out as gay to his parents. He'd developed a crush at school, thanks to the introduction by a friend of his, Tsubsa, to who he thought must've been the cutest boy alive. His name was Daiki, and he'd unknowingly stolen Takara's heart.

Quirk: "Geode"

Takara's Quirk allows him to grow gems from his body, as well as from the ground and surrounding matter (inorganic or organic), depending on what minerals/vitamins/ chemical elements are available to manipulate! He is also able to multiply the elements without spreading the space between their atoms so that he can create something much larger than what the materials around him could create unmultiplied. He can create anything from diamonds to quartz crystals to rubies, and if he really tries he can create metals and other elemental solids (though they take much more energy and concentration than gemstones and crystals would).

However, if Takara does not have enough elemental material to work with around him, his body will automatically supplement the creation with minerals from inside him, which can wreak havoc on his bodily systems if he pushes himself too far without taking supplements immediately. His quirk can also exhaust him fairly quickly, as some creations require more concentration, energy, and obviously more chemical elements than others.


  • Takara loves to cook- his parents often insist that he leave all the cooking to the house staff, but he'll whip up some dishes every now and then that are pretty tasty.
  • Takara's favorite type of gem is a star sapphire.
  • Because he'll often grow gems and crystals from his body as well as growing them from the ground, Takara often has to take mineral and vitamin supplements to help with the loss of that from his body.
  • Takara loves stuffed animals- he keeps a particular stuffed dog by his bedside 24/7.

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