


3 years, 14 days ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)


Cassarah Abe
Basic Info
Name Cassarah Abe

Alias Divinia

Birthday May 13th

Age 24

Gender Female

Height 5'4"

Hair Color Red

Eye Color Blue

Blood Type AB+

Quirk Law & Order

Occupation Pro Hero

Affiliation Underground

Status Alive

Fighting Style Arnis

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Quirk: Law & Order

The user has the physiology of an Angel, giving enhanced conditioning and powers associated with Angels.

  • Light of Heaven - User produces chains of light directly from the body. Once produced, the user can use them for offense or defense.
  • Sanctuary - The user creates a space, 5 miles in diameter, that anyone that wishes to cause the user harm cannot enter. Or anyone they deem a friend.
Super Moves
  • Law & Order - Users can create, shape, and manipulate reality, the sum or aggregate of all that is real or existent within a system, just by thinking about it; while weaker users are limited to what is already considered "real", stronger ones can make changes from nothing.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent id elit finibus, volutpat nisl eu, eleifend leo. Quisque viverra, enim vel ultrices tincidunt, augue velit posuere nibh, nec dictum diam felis ac ipsum. Pellentesque blandit a nunc in feugiat. Donec rutrum laoreet eros et suscipit. Phasellus a ullamcorper justo. Cras mattis convallis dolor, vitae scelerisque eros lacinia et. Ut ultrices non urna a consequat.

Ut pulvinar vel odio at sagittis. Nulla facilisi. Praesent sollicitudin enim eu scelerisque gravida. Mauris justo nisi, aliquet ut aliquam id, molestie eu turpis. Nunc at pellentesque ante. Duis pulvinar vitae erat ut sollicitudin. Praesent ac nisl id libero varius scelerisque ac et neque. Curabitur orci risus, facilisis in velit at, mattis viverra elit.

Phasellus elementum placerat erat ac placerat. Nulla ac ante turpis. Curabitur sit amet quam sodales dolor lacinia consectetur vitae vel massa. Sed elementum rutrum risus nec rhoncus. Proin a mattis sapien. Sed a scelerisque diam, et feugiat purus. Etiam luctus dui et iaculis maximus. Maecenas nisi nisi, faucibus non lacus vel, tempor ultrices ante. Donec sapien dui, gravida a ultrices quis, vestibulum et arcu.

  • Underground Heroine
  • Older sister used to be a hero
  • Vestibulum auctor dapibus neque.
  • Nunc dignissim risus id metus.
  • Cras ornare tristique elit.
Hawks Friend/Love Interest

Because Keigo is so guarded their relationship is hung in limbo often. While they flirt and are seen together very often, no one really knows the extent of their relationship; even Cassarah doesn't half the time. While he acts sweet on her, he never commits to anything but seems to admire her resilience and passion.

Dabi Best Friend

Their relationship had never been much until the revelation that he was actually Touya Todoroki. They were childhood best friends who as adults, blurred the lines often. Once she learned the truth their relationship changed, though they're still discovering it.