
2 years, 11 months ago


The Sea Dragon of Molieres
Ailin Yang
Pêcheur de rêves
495 years old
5 ft 9
Lean and flexible
Classical uniforms and kimonos
A huge villa on Holmes Street.
Yakuza clan headmaster, councin member and Detective.
Demisexual hetero-romantic

Ailin is a man with a sharp tongue and a great obstination. He will not hesitate to eliminate those he considers a threat toward his family and allies. An influencial man who has power in the grip of his hands, he was a peculiar dark sense of humour and works in the Council of Klimt as the organizer of public executions. He has quite the friendly relationship with the King, as they both enjoy watching theatrical, show like executions. He is notably known to have no pity toward those who tries to stand against him. He is incredibly sadistic and will lauh in the face of danger.

Despite this, he is surprizingly known as a caring doting father to his large brood of offsprings. He will not let anyone harm any of his childrens. His favourite is Ethan, the youngest, because he is a mirrored genderbend reflexion of the love of his life. To this son, he appears as a hard working, kind and honest detective, but the truth is far from being black or white. He is both a loving parent and a wolf in sheep s'clothings.

Since the murder of his wife, he is not the same man. He has shown a slow descent into paranoia and does unusual choices and sometimes regrets them. He is extremely stubborn and refused to tell his family how hes been dying for years now from an uncurable poison which slowly destroys him from within. He thinks he only has 20 years left, yet, he still pushed away his heir.

  • The screams of his victims
  • Ethan
  • Rest of his family
  • Sabotaging radio comms
  • Saké
  • Tattoos
  • Fried fish soba
  • Café
  • Governor Brisby
  • Wasting his time
  • Octopuses
  • The books the Governor writes
  • Watermelon
  • Dogsharks
  • Investigating
  • Execution
  • Weapon mastery
  • Show business
  • sewing
  • sculpting

  • Has a taxidermy collection of limbs taken from those who went against him.
  • Actually made a taxidermy of his wife to be able to sleep by her side at night.
  • Refuses to take any medication for years.
  • Does not feel any pain.
Pet Peeves
  • Speak of his family with ill words
  • Physical contacts
  • Make Ethan cry
  • People forgiving one of his targets.
  • Losing all his family
  • Forgetting his wife
  • Death
  • Being betrayed by his allies.
  • Governor Brisby dungeon.

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Vivamus facilisis felis ac mauris porttitor maximus eu quis orci. Sed felis velit, gravida at tortor eget, scelerisque tristique purus. Sed pellentesque viverra nunc, a pellentesque velit ultricies a. Duis iaculis massa nec elit aliquam aliquam. Nunc magna mi, malesuada in nulla ac, luctus lobortis leo. Sed sed diam eu nisi suscipit cursus. Etiam tempor diam vel mauris efficitur, ut malesuada dui eleifend. Proin fermentum, lorem non facilisis auctor, velit ipsum pellentesque nibh, eu interdum tortor risus lacinia magna. Nunc feugiat erat ut enim dictum, id efficitur magna interdum. Suspendisse ultricies est sit amet arcu congue, in tempus lectus commodo. Praesent id cursus felis, sed feugiat lectus.


Charlotte His belowed wife and the reason why he used to be an happy man. She would never judge him for what he did and would support him from the shadows. She was his sunshine and everything worth living.

Karen He definitivaly had an affair with this busty piece of cunning woman. On bad days, when he desperately needs confort, he goes to her and they get down to business. Is actually plotting with her to overthrow the governor because he feels lik she would be more competent than him. Also, they both share that love of taxidermizing their enemies.

Ethan This 50 years old young dumb Pecheur is the only reason Ailin still holds to his life that badly. He would do anything for his sweet baby boy and his favourite kid. For the Yakuza, this is his most precious acquintance and his masterpiece. Never hurt Ethan.

Governor Brisby-Carell Ailin finds him absolutely disgusting and a shame for the honour of the King. They work together because it pays well, but he is grossed out by the obviously gay man s'antics. If he once was bisexual, the Governor made him straight. The man made him see horrors he can no longer unsee. Ailin refuses to describe what happened on the one time they ended in the same room after a party...

Xin He has a love-hate relationship toward his eldest son and heir. He is still mad at him for refusing an arranged wedding between him and the child of another council member. Still, he will harm anyone who lays a hand on him. On th good days, he is expressing pride toward his talented heir. On bad days , this is way less likely.

Auguste Brisby-Carell Surprizingly enough, the Yakuza admires the effort of the heir to the Governor seat. He is an avid fan of his essays, even though he likes to disagree upon them. He feels like he must purge the world from all those who may abuse the forgiveness of the Heir. Knows his current whereabouts but conceals it.

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  • ● Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • ● Duis ullamcorper est augue, eget vestibulum quam malesuada ac.
  • ● Morbi rutrum fringilla dui, nec porttitor nibh interdum eu.
  • ● Donec elit sapien, facilisis sed arcu eu, rutrum sollicitudin lorem.
  • ● Sed tempus viverra orci, id bibendum urna pellentesque non.

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