


3 years, 13 days ago


I kinda made Blitz randomly one day, because I really love the Luxio line. He's a Pokemon OC. He lives wild in the Kalos region. His odd markings make him an interesting target for trainers, but he's smart and knows the area. No one would be able to catch him unless he wanted to be, which he doesn't.

-He isn't exactly sure where he got his bandana from, but it has his name Blitz written inside so he's adopted it as his name.

-His part of the forest doesn't really get many humans around, but when it does he finds it interesting watching them. He would never think about belonging to one, though.

-When he faces an opponent stronger than him, he runs. He knows better than to try and pick a fight with someone he can't beat, despite his pride.

-Enjoys talking with the other Pokemon that live in the same forest as him. Known as a little rebel, but isn't disliked by them. 

-A little cocky and annoying sometimes, but not to the point it's overbearing.