
  • Elias Klementine

  • age +100
  • gender Demiboy, he/they
  • SpeciesHuman (cursed)
  • AlignmentNeutral Evil
  • OccupationHistorian

Idiosyncratic • Analytical • Individualist

Who in Angaar, Tarras and other predominantly human-based countries hasn't heard the name of Elias Klementine? Even uneducated scamps know the importance of the greatest historian in all of Ahanaria's history. And quite a name to uphold it is... with publications ranking in the hundreds, compiled into tomes for easy reading. This borderline legend has travelled all over the world and taken meticulous notes on environments, animals, plants, people, civilisations, tradition, no matter the subject he's written about it.

However, about 20 years or so, he seemed to disappear off the face of the earth. No one has heard of him since. It wouldn't be unusual, since he never preferred to travel with others and tended to bury himself in his studies before he'd publish something for the world to see. Even so, 20 years has been his longest break to date and many speculate he is already dead.

The truth lies in the Uncharted Lands, a beast even he couldn't tame. Filled with monsters and dangers, Elias finds shelter in the rough landscape to document the oddities of this place; how the pathways he takes always lead back to the start... how the monsters always seem to find him no matter what he does. Standing at older than 100, he wonders how much he can write down before death catches up to him. But he shouldn't worry about this, the deal with Gaia extended his life forevermore... he turns his right leg with a groan and curses under his breath about Them taking one of his eyes. Even if he lives forever, he can't guarantee he'll remain human.

How they've survived at all boggles their mind to this day, but there was no point in dwelling in it any longer. Bian, their avian friend, recently spotted an elf make his way through the Valley of Fear and onto these mystical, labyrinthian lands. They knew not of his intentions and neither did they want to stay long to find out. However, the perpetrator was relentless in their hunt. They slipped and were found out instantly. "Stay", was the only thing the elf said. He carried papers and inks much like Klementine himself. Ahh, an academic from Elfandor.

And it seemed neither of them knew how to communicate with one another, because all their work is now carried out in silence. It was a mutual agreement of productive days and an understanding not to pry into each other's circumstances, no, not even their names. In the grand scheme of things, none of that matters. Timeless knowledge however...

 "The landscape changes, as if we're walking on a snake's scales. They turn and twist nonsensically." 

height1.57 m / 5' 1''

birthday7th F

Body typeThin


Sexuality ???

Relationship status Single


Current Location??? (Uncharted Lands)




  • quiet places
  • undercrowded spaces
  • libraries
  • peculiar findings


  • the voices of the trees
  • overcrowded spaes
  • forests
  •  magic


  • He is a humanoid with tan skin.
  • His face is round but slightly angular, long.
  • His brown hair is bubbly and curly and reaches up to his shoulders. 
  • His eyes are downturned, turquoise in colour with stylised rings to resemble tree trunk rings.
  • He has a long rounded nose and thin, angular eyebrows.
  • His body type is thin and lanky.
  • Parts of his body (specifically his right leg (our left) and left eye (our right)) have mutated to resemble a tree-like trunk, branches and even leaves. The tree parts can be stylised. 
  • He used to wear clothes worthy of an academic, but such luxury days are over. He now wears loose and light clothing due to his adventuring. Whilst he used to incorporate purple in his outfits, he now wears clothes in green, turquoise and black to blend in with the environment.
  • His default current outfit is comprised of a black turtleneck top with a matching glove and sock on his right lower arm and left leg respectively. He wears a light green robe with turquoise accents.

Fun Facts

  • Their favourite colour is green.
  • They originated from Angaar and became a well known authour in most Ahanaria, whose prolific books about areas and races are still quoted to this day.
  • Areas with a less predominantly human population have other historians to overshadow their name. They've still been a massive influence in the academic world.
  • They have an owl companion called Bian. She's cute and quite independent.
  • They wished for immortality to continue publishing their works forever and meddled with the gods... he was a fool.
  • After their deal with the God of Nature, Gaia, they would be classified as a warlock, only they rarely use their magic. They think it will speed up the process of their curse.
  • They cannot for the life of them cook and tend to eat things raw. When they meet Tanziu, he cooks for the both of them. His cooking isn't bad either.
  • When they first came out as a design, I immediately fell in love but could not claim them... 2 years went by and they were still available, so I went ahead and claimed them!


[ colleague ] Elias isn't one to approach travellers, since he knows he'd dread such an interaction himself. When Bian let him know of the elf, he made no move towards him... but Tanziu did. Despite being similarly anti-social, the elf seems to have a stubborn will and a determination he used to hold himself when younger. Technically, Tanziu is older than him...



[ godly patron ] He shouldn't have tried contacting the divine for even an altruistic goal like his. He didn't know what he was expecting. Perhaps a benevolent god, unlike the maddening Tempus... no. Gaia... they are all the same. He's unwittingly written himself into a deal he can never escape from. And soon he'll be their property. A tree among the rest. Is this where trees come from...?



[ TBA ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

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