Hi! I absolutely adore this guy. I hope what I write below is what you're after, if not, let me know! I've written him as if he's a part of an establish group of OC's I own who are pirates. The name is subject to change. Lol

Name: Hirigo Bluefire.

Nicknames: Harry, Blue, The flame Master

Gender: Masc/Male 

Sexuality: Homosexual 

Siblings: Unknown

Personality: Hirigo is a calculating, careful man who is always three steps ahead of his enemies. He is borderline paranoid, and doesn't connect to other people easily, being especially wary of strangers. Sometimes, if pushed, he can become hostile- and considering his magic, that means he can be dangerous too. Hirigo is cocky, although he knows better than to get too big an ego, because he's seen his family fall from grace after becoming too cocky. He's very emotionally reserved, choosing to shut himself off from others, not wanting to bother with having to worry about other people. Some people who really dislike the man would argue that he's not capable of feeling love, although there's actually nothing to suggest that he might be aromantic. He's a mysterious man, with almost no-one knowing his past except the one true friend he has in this world, Ephraim. Hirigo doesn't respect anyone except her because he knows she's been through similar trauma, and her no nonsense attitude is refreshing to him. 

History (the short version): Hirigo descends from what used to be a very high ranking, prolific family in a distant land full of magicians. The land thrived and was very powerful, but envied by their non-magic neighbours. Hirigo's family did not bother ever being cautious about their relationship with the neighbours because they firmly believe that their magical status made them untouchable. However this was wrong, and after a surprise war that the kingdom didn't see coming, almost all the magicians descending from that area were dead. Hirigo was lucky enough to be far, far away, visiting Ephraim at that time. He seeks revenge, picking off those who were a part of the enemy army one by one. He is determined and unstoppable. 


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Thank you so very much! 🥰

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