Cynneward the Great



3 years, 16 days ago



Age: 28
Gender: M
Occupation: Northern King
Relationship status: Affair with Algyle
Sexuality: Gay
Interests: Nature, music and dance, culture, gardens, archery, long walks

Cynn inherited his kingdom at a very young age, his parents killed on the orders of the old Southern king. As their successor, he continued their work unifying the fractured North, becoming affectionately known as the Northfather. Despite his efforts however, the war with the South continues to drive his kingdom and people into the dust, with whole settlements becoming abandoned as the citizens flee Algyle’s encroaching army.

Cynn’s stern appearance and impressive size belies his calm, caring nature; it is no wonder the Northerners see him as a paternal figure. Despite his popularity, especially amongst some men of the court, he remains lonely, missing his old friend Algyle and praying for an end to the war that tore them apart. As his kingdom is worn down in the conflict, his depressive episodes increase in number, his friends worrying it might be the end of him. But the upcoming peace talks with Al give him some hope that his problems may be near their end.