Samson Bouros



6 years, 9 months ago


I'm known as: Fate Incarnate

Call me: Samson "Sam the Snake" Bouros

I live in: California, USA 

Body Build: 6'3" apx. 235 lbs., lanky, well-muscled in excellent shape

Hair: Shoulder length, tousled, slightly layered bordering on a mess for  the most part, in shades of light-reddish-brown to light blond from  sun-bleaching, sometimes tied back in a ponytail or covered with a  doo-rag at the beach

Eyes: A shade of gold like that of clover honey

Skin: Deep golden-tan

Physical Traits: Sam has the appearance of an easy-going beach bum in  his mid-to-late twenties, who somehow manages to avoid attracting much  attention to himself for someone so large and colorful

Glasses: Compulsively purchases any and all sunglasses that attract his attention

Distinguishing Marks: Tattoo-type markings in the shape of tiny wings, one on each  rib, tattoo-type markings on the palm of each hand of intricate and  complex knots. Pierced left eyebrow and right nostril.

Smell: Sun, salt air, coconut suntan oil

Voice: Damn vid was deleted

Usual Walking Style: Unhurried stroll

Mannerisms: Sam is a very casual-appearing person, tending toward  leaning around and kicking back, often looking as though he may be  falling asleep (he isn't) and isn't really paying attention to what goes  on around him (he is). Able to transform into your worst nightmare  imagery of Death, but he really despises these occasions and rarely uses  this ability when in his right mind.

Icon art by MaryLittleRose