(Sale/Trade)'s Comments

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Let me know what you'd offer for them!

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Sorry but the least I'll do is $60

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Then it's a deal <3 you can send whenever you can to paypal.me/coddybarks

3 Replies

Feel free to look in my mains and fandoms folder, I can definitely trade multiple or possibly overtrade depending on who and I may consider some from my sonas :3 If no one interest you i can also offer art

Is there anyone in my toy house that interests you ?

Hey are ya takin offers on them? I absolutely adore this bean! 

Yes! if money only i'd like at least $70! but i look for characters too

Yeah if anyone in my th ever catches your eye lemme know! I’m in a bit of a money crunch rn but I’ll let ya know on that ^^

Hey if anyone in my th catches your eye please lemme know! I have a few new dorks in there!

I could offer a whole bunch of art for this guy? And/or anyone from my sale folder?