


3 years, 13 days ago


↠ Enigmatic Esper

Mysterious - Focused - Selfish
Experimentation - Observation - Memories - Accomplishing Goals
Moral Alignment
True Neutral
Favorite Fruit

↠ Darkness Approaches


↠ The Lives Touched, Reciprocate

  • Name Fracture
  • Gender Female
  • Age Unknown - In the 1000's
  • Height 5'11
  • Status↠ Away
  • Occupation Self Employed
  • Allison -  Adopted Daughter
  • Skye - Colleague
  • Momoko - Cat
  • Axel- Colleague
  • Lapse - Enemy 
  • Veronica - Ally

↠ How did we get here again...?

Fracture is a unique and powerful being in the world of Alsinos. Being an Esper, little is understood about her aside from legends and folklore. Espers are ancient beings, and have been long since lost to time. One of the most prevalent energies in all the land is Magistus, magical energy permeating the land and used to fuel magic of all kinds. Espers are one of the only species in existence to be sources of Magistus themselves. In addition, the Magistus they create is unique from every other Esper's Magistus, and results in each Esper having varied strength and usually very different powers. Fracture in particular has the ability to view, delete, insert, and change other beings' memories, including her own. This power is actually the reason she does not realize she is an Esper for many many years, as her own memories are unreliable. She also controls a large mass of darkness, usually in the form of tentacle-like appendages. She uses these as her main weapon, easily able to overwhelm dozens of opponents simultaneously, though she prefers to stay out of fights directly. Most often she pursues personal projects in the name of pushing the boundaries of her own and other creatures' potential. 

One such project was the creation of Alli - an enormous canine beast with its own independent mind that dwelled entirely within a woman named Allison, who became something of a daughter to Fracture over time. Allison was in communication with Alli internally, and could shift between her and Alli's forms at will, though they didnt always agree. Similarly she created Skye's beast form, but Skye's is much less independent comparatively. She's highly strategic, a master manipulator, and extremely selfish in her actions, even though her schemes do often end up benefitting the greater good over anyone individual.

Her primary nemesis due to a long standing grudge and natural hatred between distinctly opposite Espers, is Lapse, whom she has fought, helped others fight, and killed many times, in many forms. 


This code created by @GalaxyFlowers