


Basic Info


Powers: Green fire, poison, wind, fear and darkness powers


Cinereo is an unknown individual that is a mystery where he lives and how is born, he painted his nail black and haves a totally (expect white eyes) dark form, also known as Dark Cinereo!

Pronunce: Chin-ere-o (maybe even Chain-ere-o)

Cinereo's powers include: Green fire, wind, poison, fear and darkness!

Cinereo as a human can't obviously fly! But he might be able to use his powers as propulsion for fly with also wind/air powers....

Cinereo's Dark Form is more powerful than his normal form! He can turn into this form by simply being provoked or extremely furious!

Cinereo is heterosexual!

Cinereo is atheist, and refuses to belive in goodness!

Cinereo might be very cruel and even terrible cause he might cause serious misdeeds and crimes!

Due to being able to kill people with poisoning them, he could kill Gabriele! Possibly making one of the newest and most dangerous foes to be fought!

Cinereo's parents are unknown, it is maybe said that he got corrupted or something like that in his childhood by an evil wizard that he killed with poison....

Cinereo is a male version of the italian name version Cinerea, the italian name for Cynder from The Legend of Spyro Reboot!