


2 years, 10 months ago


Ageless || He/Him || Caster || Aromantic Asexual

Minecraft oc

Curious, Adventurous, Easily frightened, Impulsive


  • Flying
  • Exploring New Areas
  • Brain Storming
  • Learning
  • Trees


  • Fighting
  • Pillagers
  • The End
  • Lightning and Thunder
  • Rain

Other Information

  • Mystery is a character who doesn't stay in one spot, they're a searcher, wondering through the world searching for answers on what they are and where they came from along with searching what the world has. Moving from biome to biome, looking and making their own ideas on what happened and what's the history. Writing down in their book as a journal of their findings and theories. Mystery, though they don't know nor understand, is a creature called a caster. Magical beings who are supernatural. Some casters taking more of the form of their magic while others taking up a human form. Beings who was said to be powerful guardians, created portals and potions, Friend to dragons. A wiped out species who's lost to time. A caster is created during a eclipse, but like a player will spawn randomly. Mystery's Magic is shapeshifting. Though this power is greatly limiting to Him, causing him to get very weak and tired if used too much. He needs lots of rest in order to use it. They first woke up in the Nether and escape to the surface through a ruined portal
  • Mystery's normal appearance is that of a masculine human with blues and reds being their main colors. All along their clothing is Gold that lines their coat, arms, shoulders, and shoes.
  • His dragon form takes that of a red Nether dragon. Built for hot areas and fast flying Mystery mainly uses this form to travel swiftly through the Nether and hot biomes. The bright oranges and Yellows glow when breathing fire. Water hurts him when in this form
  • Mystery's Enderman form is that of a typical enderman, tall and skeletal like, his mouth is like that of goo or slime, the top and bottom jaws forming together when not angry, and disconnected and dripping when angered. In this form Mystery will be hurt if fire touches him
  • His Phantom form takes that of a snowy mountain Phantom. Build for colder weather and night time he's very fluffy in this form. Being able to easily withstand snow and be able to see in the dark. Fire will hurt Mystery if he's in this form
  • When Mystery is in his Slime form he's able to morph his body at will, Being able to grow tall and small when he pleases. Due to being able to quickly change his size Mystery is able to easily hide. Being slime as well makes it easy to swim through water and slip through cracks in caves. In this form Mystery is extremely vulnerable, taking more damage due to having less defense