Jura (Inkling Jura)



Name: Jura


raised by her adopted father. She helped her father conduct his experiments in a top secret laboratory that he ran.

Her job was to document the experiments mostly, writing down what they did, if they were successful or not. She would also take care of the patients in between treatments. Her father told her they were broken, and he was trying to fix them, to make them better than they were. He even performed a few minor surgeries on her! One of them was adding large spikes to the end of her two largest tentacles

She didn't care about them much, except for one...he was brought in for the MNSTR project, she didn't know what it was about, only that her dad let her pick what to call it.

For years she watched this poor squid be tortured, and ended up developing sympathy for him, and forming a disgust for her father and what he was doing. The day he escaped, she went after him. Not to bring him back, but to go with him, she's still after him, it's become somewhat of an obsession, a game of cat and mouse she loves playing.

She lost his trail for a while, but picked it up again after she found out one of her close friends knew about him, it was enough of a lead that she was able to find him at Camp Triggerfish, rather than going in with guns blazing, she decided to sign up as one of the campers.

6'1" (185cm)
hopeless romantic
LOVES playing party games like Truth or Dare, and Spin the Bottle
Dirty jokes all the time.