Danica Jianmin



2 years, 11 months ago


Name: Danica Jianmin

Nickname: Dani

Gender/Pronoun: She/Her/Hers

Age: 19

Birthday: May 2, 2001

Sign: Taurus

Gemstone: Emerald

Blood Type: O

Fav. Food: Spicy food, Soups.

Hated Food: Things that don’t have good smells.

School/Occupation: Dance Major at DCU.


Cooking: Cooking started on the nights that she was expected to eat frozen food, when her parents were too busy to prepare meals. TV dinners were fine to a point, but eventually, Dani wanted something more. Now she considers herself the best cook in the family, and insists that she does all of the cooking when she’s home. She enjoys spoiling her brothers the most though. They deserve it.

Dancing: Being a dancer is hard work, and is one of the few ways Dani can express herself openly. She can put her heart and soul into her performances and says in her dance what she can’t say in person. She started with tap but specializes in ballet, and is working to complete her degree as a dance major. She loves the freedom that comes with dance, but also appreciates the diligence, and finds that her dance has been a source of empowerment in her life.

Gaming: Dani loves games. Charming, easily immersible worlds are her favorite. She enjoys light hearted games that focus on making friends or completing tasks and finds peace in developing relationships and feeling a sense of completion. It’s hard to feel accomplished in her every day life, with a competitive family, but in her games she can feel satisfaction just by taking it easy and enjoying the world around her. She likes games that focus on fun over competition, and greatly enjoys romance games.


Compassionate: Danica’s ability to care is unparalleled, and she often worries for the well-being of others. She is concerned with everyone’s happiness and will go out of her way to help ease someone through a difficult time. Capable of great sympathy and empathy alike, Dani is a sensitive soul and wants to bring warmth and love into the world. She cares deeply, and often, and can always be trusted to be with those who need her.

Charismatic: There’s something charming about Danica’s softness, and coming from a family where first impressions were important, she has always done her best to make them proud. She treats everyone with respect and kindness, and her soft demeanor makes her pleasant company. She finds it easy to make friends, and her innocent personality makes it easy for others to trust her and want her around.

Diplomatic: Because Dani is so compassionate, it’s easy for her to see both sides of a situation and gather all the facts to help others work things out. She genuinely cares for the well-being of everyone she meets, so when there’s an issue at hand she is capable of being objective and helping others work through things to find a middle ground. She is trustworthy and gentle, so her presence is calming and makes it easier to find a solution in a difficult situation. She doesn’t need to take sides, and would rather work to get everyone on the same side.


Complacent: It’s hard for Dani to push herself to be the best when she comes from a family of incredibly hard-working people who need to succeed. She needs to be good but she doesn’t have the cut-throat nature needed to be better than everyone else. She’s happy to just be herself and be the best that she can be. However, this means that she often winds up settling for less than she could achieve just because she doesn’t want to break out of the comfortable mold she’s settled in. She lets others louder and more bold than her make decisions, and often winds up setting her goals low so she doesn’t have to deal with failure. She cannot push herself out of her own comfort zone and doesn’t often try new things even if they could benefit her.

Indecisive: Afraid of disappointment and failure, Dani takes a significant amount of time to make a decision, and often worries that she will make the wrong one. She can come across as wishy-washy because she will spend a lot of time on a single choice, and often seeks the opinions of others because she doesn’t trust herself.

Resentful: Dani may be sweet, but she knows how to carry a grudge. While she will give chance upon chance, Dani does not forget any insult, any slight, any mistake, and will hold it over your head when it’s convenient. She is a master at guilt-tripping, and no amount of apology or amend-making will guarantee she won’t bring up that one time.