ANIMAL EATER's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


"Vespers are a closed species by Bonxii, you may NOT make your own!"
Masterlist link:

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Tsutrak Global Rules

Tsutrak's TOS
TL;DR: credit me for my art & designs.
When crediting on other sites, a link would be preferred but just citing my username, Tsutrak, is fine.

Regarding Art

  • You may not edit my art without permission. 
    • When asking, show me which artwork you wish to edit and state what you want to change.
    • Exception: you can edit out the background & signature of art i made of your character for your own personal stickers, if you'd like. These edits should not be posted publicly.
  • You may not use my artwork commercially without explicit permission. 
    • "Commercial Use" refers to for-profit things, such as T-shirt prints or other merchandise. 
  • You may use art i've made of a character you own as your icon, profile banner, or the like. 
    • If there is a place on the website that you can credit me without cost, do so. Otherwise, simply crediting if asked is fine. (By "cost" i mean it would remove a feature, such as the tagline section on DA. You don't have to credit me in places like that if you don't want to.)
    • You can also use art i've made of canon characters or art otherwise labelled for this usage for this.
  • You may upload my art of a character you own to character storage websites, such as this one (Toyhouse), with credit.
  • i would prefer that my artwork (of a character you own) is not uploaded to other social medias, but you may with a link credit.
    • Sharing artwork i've made of your characters with friends privately is alright. Discord walks the line between private and public, but as of now it is fine. If the art is posted in a server i'm not in, credit would be preferred. Credit should always be given upon being asked, however.

Regarding Designs
i believe in full ownership of adopted designs; you can do what you want with your property.*

  • You may gift, trade, or resell them for whatever you believe they are worth. 
    • This means you are allowed resell them for more than you bought them for; however, i've found that this is frowned upon socially. 
  • You may redesign them as much as you want. 
    • i would prefer that they remain "recognizable" but that's a relative term & not required.
  • You may use the character commercially.
    • This does not include usage of my art of said character. You will need to either get permission for commercial usage of my art from me, or use a different artwork that you do have permission to use commercially.

Regarding Resources
"Resources" refers to materials/ art i create that is intended to be reused by others, such as bases or patterns.

  • For my bases, please credit my other TH,,  when posting on Toyhouse. 
    • This is to prevent the base edits from appearing in my Art tab. i don't like seeing my old bases hjdshjd
  • Pattern credit depends on the complexity of the pattern, but generally crediting is optional but preferred.
  • i suggest altering palette colors at least a bit, but you don't have to.
    • This refers to color palettes made as a resource, typically formatted as bars of color in a rectangular shape. This does not refer to the colors in my artworks, which should not be used as a resource. 

Species Addendum 

  • Generally, the rules of a species, such as a closed species, supersedes my TOS, if i designed the character to be part of that species.
*This does not excuse not following other peoples' TOS for their own designs hhjshjsdj