Watermelon's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

maileksa_shop Global Rules

By buying from me, I automatically consider that you read and accepted those rules.
If you didn't read those beforehand and bought anyway, it's on you.

Terms of Services (TOS) related to my ADOPTS / DESIGNS

  • You're free to give them the name, story, background, role, sexuality, gender, any detail you want, it's yours.
  • You may change their gender.
  • You may change their species to fit your liking.
  • You may turn them into a humanoid / anthro / feral.
  • You may "sexualized" them (Aka drawing or commissioning nsfw art) as you wish, I don't mind.
  • You can post it anywhere you want, but credit me with my Deviantart or TH ! (Maileksa-Shop on DA)
  • You can modify the OC in future art pieces, but I won't modify this one for you : what you see is what you get.
  • You cannot modify this OC by drawing over or "photoshop-ing" the original design. In other words, do not alter my art. 
  • Applying your watermark over it to protect your OCs from art thief is alright and even recommanded.
  • In case of pony adopts, you're more than welcome to add the cutiemark of your choice in future arts and references.
  • You can re-sell, trade or give this OC. If it's real money, do not resell for more than what you paid, except if you added art pieces that would add $$ value to the initial Design. 
  • NO REFUND (every proofs are safely registered on my computer in case a paypal dispute would be open by the buyer)
  • NO COMMERCIAL USE (if you wish to get a commercial right over this oc, we'll need to discuss additional fees beforehand)
  • Once sold, I'm not responsible for the Adopt's protection (art thief, NFTs, etc), please make sure to protect your new baby (Watermark, TH permissions, etc)