
3 years, 22 days ago


It's Been So Long
The Living Tombstone

01 — Profile

Name Devi
Nicknames Dev
Age Young Adult
Gender Nonbinary ( She/They )
Height 5'4
Birthdate June 23rd
Species Earth Pony
Sexuality Panromantic Asexual
Occupation Waiter at a cafe

Status Taken
Partner Dakota
Worth 65€
  • Devis mane is short, dark blue and orange ombre.

  • Her tail is long and also dark blue and orange ombre.

  • Devis coat is a very light creamy white color with light brown patterns.

  • Her eyes are red colored with a red 'x' on Their pupil.

  • They have a lil fleshy fang and always seem to have a sad eyebrow expression even if she is smiling.

  • Devi has two dark blue and two orange hooves. Her front left and back right hooves are orange and the other two hooves are dark blue.

  • Devi also has some accesories. They wear big, circular, gold glasses on her muzzle and three squared shape, golden earrings on each of her ears. The biggest earring has a bit of orange on the middle of it. She also wears a choker like necklace that has gold, dark blue and orange on it, it has triangle shapes on the bottom of it. They also wear the same type of leg accesorie, like the choker, on her left, back leg.

02 — Personality

Devi is a very simple pony. Shes cheery and although she looks upset a lot she denies being so and just blames it on her 'weird' eyebrows. They also appear to be quite shy at first but after you get to know them they... well they dont really change much but she takes more innitiative to talk if she knows you well. She is a little timid in big group situations but she has a way to appear unbothered about it.

When with Dakota Devi has shows way more confidence than you'd usually see them display around their other friends. Dakota definitely brings out the best in her.

Devi seems to show some signs of having severe trauma, which she doesn't share with others besides Dakota, but she doesnt let that shape them and with the help of Dakota she works on herself to be a better person. Devi also has claustrophobia which used to be so severe even a simple hug would scare them, now that theyre better they love hugging Dakota every chance they get. They also have a lot of nightmares but, once again, Dakota is always there to calm her down.


  • Theme/Amusement parks

  • Zoos

  • Getting to spend time with Dakota

  • Being free


  • Taking meds

  • Small or cramped spaces

  • Not being able to move freely

  • Being in dark and quiet places all alone

03 — Background

Devi has shared that her background comes from a very rich family that is very likely some sort fo royal family. Devis last name is [REDACTED] which she doesn't share for the reason of nobody finding out anything more than that they're "rich" and "left home after finishing school" although sometimes it slips up that they never finished highschool.

Devi has shared that they had a father and mother, [REDACTED] siblings and a bunch of unknown relatives they genuinely don't know much about themselves.

Devi has shared with Dakota that they ran away from their family for reasons theyre still too afraid to share but Dakota is always there for Devi and ready to help her fight her mind and past.

Currently Devi lives with Dakota and she says shes doing way better and says they're happy they chose to run away and is even happier to have met Dakota. Devi works at a small cafe in their neighborhood.

04 — Trivia

  • Devi was first made as an experimental adopt but I loved her so much i decided to keep them! :D.

05 — Relationships


Dakota is Devis partner and is owned by Breadtoast.