


3 years, 12 days ago


Name: Wisteria

Tribe: Silkwing

Pronouns: She/her

Sexuality: Lesbian

Birthday/Age: June 5th, 7 (15 in human years)

Occupation: Creates silk art by weaving silk on canvases and then painting it

Personality: Shy, quiet, and reserved. Wisteria doesn't talk much and prefers to show her feelings via art.

Backstory: Wisteria has had a simple life, and she's just fine with that. She grew up with her father, Adonis, in Plantala and plans to stay there for the rest of her life. Wis has always had a knack for art and when she discovered she could incooperate silk into it, it made her life even better. She gives her art to her father to sell so that her family can make money. What she doesn't know is that her mother is dead and was killed by Hivewings because her mother had grey-colored scales, which was less favorable to higher-up Hivewings, the ones that Adonis was with. The only thing that remains of her mother is Wisteria herself, having laid the egg just a few days before she was killed. Adonis has not told Wisteria the truth, and she just believes that she doesn't have a mother.