


6 years, 10 months ago


Designed by me


Name: IceFoot

Alias: Ice, 'AHHHHHH!!!', 'RUN AWAY!'

Species: Arctic

Gender: male

Age: 2 years

Pack: Greater North

Rank: subordinate 


Height: 155 lbs 

Weight: 3'6" 

Mate: none yet

Crush: none yet

Mother: Aquamarina

Father: Grey Death

Brother (if you can call him that!): Erran

Sister: Sapphirion


Cold and reclusive, Ice is known to be a strong hunter and even stronger warrior, who has made it clear he will fight to the death. Only his family knows of his hidden warmth and protectiveness over his siblings. He takes after his father's constant need to defend his family and will come running if anyone even jokingly threatens one of his kin. He instinctively knows when his kin is in trouble and can pick up the trace of the scent of his kin from miles away.

He has a terrifying speed and he is far heavier than many of his pack mates. However, his biggest weakness is his right eye, which was sealed shut when he was born. It was later discovered that the reason was his sister had kicked him in the eye in the womb.


He went on a trip though the lands with his father to learn more about the world. Then he disappeared when his family dispersed, but he has reemerged, and hopes to be reaccepted.


Aqua: I love you, Mother. Where have you gone? I miss you...

Grey: Father, I miss you, and I don't blame you for mother leaving, but you should have done more to find her. But now it is time for me to move on and find my place in the world.

Sapphirion: I miss you, sister. I long to run with you and hunt by your side again. Maybe one day we will meet again.

Erran: I'm not sure what I feel about you, brother. But you are my brother, and I love you. I just wish you had listened to Mother and Father and stayed away from the Ice Wall like they said. Given time, I believe you would have made your family proud. But now we will never know. R.I.P.