


6 years, 9 months ago


The colors in Petri's refrence are really skewed, I'll make sure to fix that soon.

Petrichor- noun

A pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather.

Petrichor is an angel who has dreamed of being a Guardian Angel his whole life.  After years and years of studying and practicing, the God deems him worthy and promotes him to Guardian status.  He is overjoyed to finally have his dreams come true...  But they all seem to fly away once he gets his first human to protect: A child diagnosed with severe schizophrenia and several other mental problems.  All those years of training could not have prepared him for this kind of human.  She lives in a mental institution.  The other humans think she's too far gone.  

Why has he been given this child to protect, even with obvious inexperience and weakness? How will his appearance affect the human child and the other grown humans noting her behavior?  Even if he feels this is some sort of mistake, Petrichor must fufill his duty.